Keeper of XC, hill sessions, defective bicycle, Oracle, the wall, origami and auto-piloting
Links about Koyannisqatis -
From the Himalayan Academy
Film Site
About myself...
Origin: Being send to Earth for a mission, a purpose(supposedly) but my hard disk crashed some 6 years ago and now I am on a semi auto-pilot mode. Here is a description of myself in general:At present my life feels like the CONTOUR ;
But all the time I have a bad feeling that I am actually more like the Mars Observer... ;
I hope one day I will have an outlook like the XMM Newton... ;
But maybe it is better to have a life of achievements like the Galileo... ;
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Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
Bras | Mar 12, 2003 | Mar 18, 2003 |
Albert Einstein's Birthday! | Mar 14, 2003 | No Replies |
Does every living thing dies alone..? | Jan 28, 2003 | Mar 14, 2003 |
Keeper of XC, hill sessions, defective bicycle, Oracle, the wall, origami and auto-piloting | Mar 7, 2003 | Mar 14, 2003 |
bicycles | Mar 7, 2003 | No Replies |
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