This is the Message Centre for Laura

The end of the second year

Post 21


What a brilliant idea smiley - ta

The end of the second year

Post 22

Researcher 185550

smiley - hug Unc hope you're feeling better

The end of the second year

Post 23


Thanks, not yet. Got the whole lot at the moment, cold, aches, sore throat, hot and cold, headache, inabilitiy to move more than a few minutes before ending up with a coughing fit... I'm very pleased I decided not to attempt Helvelyn yesterday.

Time for some hot smiley - choc I think, with marshmallows smiley - biggrin

The end of the second year

Post 24

Researcher 185550

I suppose that means that you don't have to do anything other than watch the football?

The end of the second year

Post 25


Not watching the football, I've better things to do, such as not watch football. smiley - winkeye There's a lot to do, got to pack as I'm off again tomorrow, though I have to stop every few minutes smiley - doh.

Ah well, get there eventually smiley - biggrin

The end of the second year

Post 26

Researcher 185550

smiley - laugh

Yes, but I'd make an exception today, as England are playing.

The end of the second year

Post 27


And, it seems, winning. Or rather they have won.

The end of the second year

Post 28

aka Bel - A87832164

Congratulations to the team. Who did they play against ?

The end of the second year

Post 29


Switzerland I think, though I could be wrong, I didn't even know there was a match

Stupid hot and cold spells

The end of the second year

Post 30

Researcher 185550

smiley - sadface You've got it bad smiley - tea

Yeah, someone called Wayne Rooney seems to have been involved.

The end of the second year

Post 31


Yesterday was the worst day of it though, 'flu does tend to last for a week and that was half way through. The hot and cold spells have gone now and the headache, and I can get up the stairs in one go. smiley - biggrin

Yep, they went on about it on the news this morning.

Better finish packing I guess smiley - run

The end of the second year

Post 32


*hands over a mug of hot smiley - choc*

Hope you’re feeling better now.

The end of the second year

Post 33


Yes, thanks. Feel like I could sleep for a week though, been an eventful few weeks smiley - biggrin

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