
Hi all, A smiley going through several mood changes Says I should put something about myself in this space so here goes.

I'm a final year student studying American Studies which is basically the study of American literature, history and culture. I wouldn't say I an expert on all of this but it is something that interests me.

Studies aside I am also a big Superman fan and have been from a young age when I saw the Superman movies starring Christopher Reeve. So if anyone wants to talk Superman - be it comics, films, tv or actors/actresses feel free :-)

Big fan of music in general - recently fascinated by music history - have learnt a little about the New Romantic/New Wave movement (through my love of everything Spandau Ballet related in particular Gary and Martin Kemp) and the history of rap music having taken a module on the emergence of hip-hop culture on the east coast of America. Am just a music lover in general - pop/rap/rock/(cheesy) dance :-)

I'll stop there before I start waffling about nothing...

Dj in the UK


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Dj in the UK

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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