Journal Entries
My h2g2 Birthday
Posted Jan 15, 2004
It's almost my first birthday everyone! 3 days to go (on the 18th)
Yay! all around.
So, how's everyone been doing? (for those of you a bit older than me)
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Latest reply: Jan 15, 2004
Hi all!
Posted Oct 24, 2003
Yep. It's me. And I'm finally kinda back.
Been pretty busy this year, so not much time for H2G2, but I'm going to try. So this is my official welcome back message, although I haven't posted anywhere yet.
Life is good though. We had our annual pre-Homecoming Pep Rally today, which was , shall we say, interesting and fortunately not as loud or nauseating as last year. Although we appear to have lost all but 5 of our color guard (flag twirlers), so the formations weren't quite normal. Just being my usual Jen-type self, wearing blue socks with black pants and shoes (it was a demonstration of school spirit, I swear! Not really. It's just that the lighting in my room isn't up to snuff). Still playing violin and all that jazz. Working on pulling my quartet together to start rehearsing (electric string quartet, currently sans e-cello) and begging/borrowing/stealing the necessary equipment for performing. (Not that we're going to do that anytime soon)
So have a great Homecoming weekend, even though it's not your homecoming (read DZ's version of events in ThePost from a few weeks back).
Please drop me a line and I'll try to be back soon!
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Latest reply: Oct 24, 2003
new specs
Posted Aug 24, 2003
I almost forgot to tell you. I got new glasses (as usual), but this year I got new frames as well. Quite an exciting occurance. So I got to spend an hour or so in the glasses shop trying to see how I looked in various frames, but I can't see without my glasses on. The presence of a magnifying hand mirror helped a lot, but I was a bit nervous about actually getting them, because as I've said, I didn't really know what I looked like. Three days later I'm still happy, and I've regained my depth perception (new prescription. ) And I almost feel normal even if I look at the ground. Ah yes, and massive eye strain trying to choose out the darn things, but the headache went away. And it's better than getting one due to a weak prescription as soon as I start school.
A and her glasses. What a touching picture. (and yes, that's what I look like with the new glasses, but with hair. And it's what I looked like with the old glasses too.)
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Latest reply: Aug 24, 2003
Back to school
Posted Aug 24, 2003
Yay! I start school again tomorrow. What fun. So I was doing all the typical day before school stuff today, finishing summer assignments (still have one biology question left), packing up my backpack, etc. I put new strings on the violin that will live at school all year, as we figured out that the current ones were two years old! And because this was the first time I'd change the strings on it, and because I was changing them to Domanants (tomastick dominant, the string of choice of almost everyone I know, excellent student string, although many of them use a non-dominant e string), which have a particularly wide winding at the ball end of the string, they didn't (d and g) fit in the fine tuner at all. So I could have just taken the tuners out, but we don't have long to tune in orchestra (oh, maybe 30 seconds), which means that they're almost a necessity. So Jen sits down today with a metal file to make the fine tuners wide enough to hold the strings. Hey, it worked. (but not until after I shredded the winding on the d string. Easily fixed, though, with superglue, or nailpolish, if you're like me and can't use superglue without getting it all over your fingers)
For summer reading I read...Ethan Frome (actually not that bad. In fact, it was very good, and suspensful.) and THHGTTG. Do you honestly think I could refuse if it was an option?
Other reading included The Taming of the Shrew, The Merchant of Venice, Roanoake (yes E, I finished it and intend to remember to bring it camping), The Things They Carried, For Whom the Bell Tolls, History With a Twist (Nova Scotian history stories), Life how short, Eternity how long (about gravestone carvers in nova scotia), Animal Dreams, Flatland, Sphereland, and probably some others. And naturally, I reread all of DNA, except Meaning of Liff/Deeper Meaning... because I haven't got a copy, and Terry Jones's book Douglas Adams's Starship Titanic, because I leant that to Renee. Also about half of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintaninece (that's what I'm reading now). Next up: One Hundred Years of Solitude -or- Hamlet -or- Bless me Ultima. (or maybe something else.)
Anybody read any of these? What did you think?
I hope everyone had a great summer/will continue to have a great summer. As for me, it's off to school in the morning, which may actually be fun. At this point, I just want to know my schedual. (purely because of the fact that my schedual has my lunch period on it, which I do not know yet. Then I will know if my lunch starts at 10:30, 12:30, or somewhere in between. The classes I'm taking aren't quite of that much interest, although I do want to know when they are too)
Jennifer, missing, presumed fed.
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Latest reply: Aug 24, 2003
going away
Posted Jul 1, 2003
I'm leaving tomorrow, for a three week trip. I'll be going to Michigan to visit with my cousin's family and then also to go to music camp. I'm really looking forward to it, but will miss being here. I don't think there's *any* possibility of me getting online while I'm gone, certainly not at camp, and I don't think it's likely that I'll be online at my cousin's place either.
I updated my personal space today, and the cult of the dictionary readers page (consider it housekeeping that I wanted to do before I left). I also created this page, A1095158. It's my "kitchen". Please stop by sometime for a snack and a should a situation requiring a hug arise while I'm gone, or even if it doesn't.
Have a beautiful three weeks while I'm gone, and even after I'm back. to all, esp. Gen and Red as I'll miss your returns by only a few days.
So, as I said, have a great time. I'll miss you all. But I'll be sure to stop by during the four days I'm home before leaving again (that second time Renee's coming with us!). Don't create too much b'log while I'm gone. I would hate to have to catch up on it all!
s to all,
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Latest reply: Jul 1, 2003
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