This is the Message Centre for HonestIago

Hello, HonestIago

Post 1

h2g2 Communications

Would you be interested in joining the Comms Team?

smiley - smiley
Happy Nerd

Hello, HonestIago

Post 2


I'd love to help, it just depends on what you'd like/need me to do and whether I'd be able to commit to it.

Hello, HonestIago

Post 3

h2g2 Communications

We use a variety of traditional and social media marketing to promote both the building of and the content within the Guide to Life, the Universe and Everything. In addition to operating social media accounts, there are also announcements here on h2g2, and a pile of press releases to be written.

Then of course there is answering Elton the Hampster's fan mail and polishing the bouncing hyper-dimensional hoohenge stones in F1.

If you are interested, please send me an email at comms AT h2g2 DOT com.

smiley - smiley

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