This is the Message Centre for Boots

This is down to Caerwynn.

Post 1


OK we should all keep a diary, but sometimes-real life stuff makes it difficult. So right now, dear and treasured and fantasised (down boy…whoever you may be in cyber space) friends, all I am strong enough to say is, 'thank you for being here' (it's those ellipses again). Thank you for caring, especially wolf friend, who never lets me down, and I'm sorry I've been out of play for a while.

We are all in a difficult space…else we wouldn't be here (unless our egos are so huge that we actually believe in the fantasy of cyber celebrity) so sometimes, like my special friend, Ben, we take time out to re assess the importance of our community.
And, (I know one shouldn't start a sentence with 'And', but hey ho life is for living) I still so believe in it (our community that is) and will always be a champion of the cause and will therefore (sorry) be here forever.
Thank you to the people that still hit 'my space', and take time to care.
Me old 'muckers' (OK Wolf that may need an across the pond translation, but basically it's good!)

Because you are all you, and you make me laugh, and you make me think, and that is what makes the world worthwhile.

Hypatia, and all her nom de plumes, because you have it sussed and still care.
Solnushka, who shared a similar time and space and whom I would like to share more time with.
Z, because you are such a cool youth and I just adore youth; it is the hope for the future.
Caerwynn, because the past is important too, and you are a good ambassador, thank you Lord and thank you Caerwynn.
Teuchter, because you allow experience to make a difference and still take care….and you understand humour, which is odd considering your birthplace (just joshing!)
And most importantly to my mentors and aces (I wish I could remember all their names) and Shazz prime who makes dreams come true and who gets little thanks for soothing the egos of the ones that have yet to be discovered. Hey ho... One day...and that's what it's all about.
take care all and thank you for caring
boots (who's not going anywhere)

This is down to Caerwynn.

Post 2


smiley - kiss

We must do something RL soon!

This is down to Caerwynn.

Post 3


Nice message boots!

I have been hootoo deprived for a while, got back tonight, good to be back & glad to see it's all still there.

smiley - cheers

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri

This is down to Caerwynn.

Post 4


The Speak Your Weight Machine studies the postcard with microscopic solemnity. Twenty minutes ago, Pinniped decided on calculated disinterest. Now he is climbing the walls, waiting to hear who sent it.

“Oh”, says Speak, absently. “Sorry. Thought I’d said. It’s from the hound”.

“She’s still barking, then?”, asks the seal, stuck somewhere unplaceable between anticlimax and delight.

The question doesn’t get the reply that it never needed.

Alberta joins in. “Can you read it, please?”

And so does Orchid, unconsciously flouting edicts on sentence construction. “Can we thee the picture, pleathe?”

Speak carefully pins the card to one of the timber columns, too high up for anyone else to reach. “She says we make her think”, he adds.

There is a long silence, which is what incredulity sounds like.

“Makes you think, doesn’t it?”, murmurs Pinniped, and drifts back into sleep, wistfully dreaming about being even half as nice, or half as popular.

This is down to Caerwynn.

Post 5


Good ambassador? Does that mean I have to pass round the Ferrero Rochas?

Glad you are still dropping by from time to time, Boots. smiley - hug

This is down to Caerwynn.

Post 6


It's always nice to hear from you, boots. I'm much too far away to give you a RL hug, so here is a guide hug. smiley - hug

Let's probably takes more than one guide hug to equal a RL hug....but how are we supposed to calculate it?

Pete pokes his head out of Hyp's travelling bag. "What you need to do is take the distance from our house to boots house and divide it by the estimated travelling time in minutes minus the cost of a magnum of champagne, then take that number and muiltiply it by the combined weight of Speak, Orchid, Alberta and the Phocoid and divide it by the number of times Trout Montague has made a sexually suggestive remark on the bus, times the number of pairs of sandals ruined by the hound. Then you should try to calculate the length of time it takes to type a smiley - hug and have it delivered on one of the rare days that the DNA server is actually working. You divide the first number by the second number and the result is the correct ratio of smiley - hugs to RL hugs."

Slow down.....where's my calculator?

Pete smugly produces the calculator and watches Hyp punch in numbers. Just as she raises her head to reveal the answer, he exclaims, "Nine! The answer is nine. Well, actually it is 9.00043218036."

One of these days, of these days. smiley - cross

smiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hug

This is down to Caerwynn.

Post 7


Hi boots smiley - smiley Good to hear from you.

Proud to be a 'mucker'.

smiley - blacksheepsmiley - fullmoon

This is down to Caerwynn.

Post 8


*waves* to all, counts hugs and friendships as greatest treasures.
Will pop back soon. Right now have to organise cases for next part of the journey. More a mental baggage reshuffle than a trip to an airport! Oh and of course the washing, gardening and house cleaning detail that any prelude to a journey deserves.
Take care, thank you for kind words ...Pin, you're almost getting the hang of 'War and Peace' smiley - winkeye. Caerywynn, I know ambassadors should do Ferrera Rochas but hey, after eights are so much nicer!
Hypatia, deliciously erudite and provocative as only you can be.
smiley - cheers to all me 'muckers'
take care

This is down to Caerwynn.

Post 9

LL Waz

boots smiley - hug, it is good to hear from you.

Waz (looking forard to soon)

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