This is the Message Centre for Boots

I did

Post 1


Run barefoot in the tide that is. With the most gorgeous girl I have ever met. Huge brown eyes, golden hair, long rangy legs and the coldest nose you've ever felt. Sadie and I ran in the Atlantic surf most mornings. Then we had coffee in the beach cafe and she was much admired, she is such a flirt.
Alas our holiday romance is over but I shall return so she can break my heart all over again.
Comments on journal entries are not solicited, I have just decided to use it more.
I have decided a lot of things over the past two weeks.
On tuesday I find a job, any job will do it is only temporary.
I am going to write, properly, and one day I may even get paid for it, who knows? Stranger things happen in life.
For now I have to empty a suitcase, play the dhobi man and mow a meadow.
*waves* to does get better.
*waves* to Ben...think I may not make it down this weekend. Have to catch up with family I have neglected. We will have another soon.
*waves* to may have been grim but it made us tenacious smiley - winkeye
take care all

I did

Post 2

Trout Montague

Wave to me dammit.

I did

Post 3


*waves* to Salmonid smiley - laugh You do lurk well, Trout!
Oh and *waves* to Pin and Waz and Hypatia and Jodan and oh dear God in heaven everyone else in the wretched NSS before you start complaining!

I did

Post 4

Trout Montague

That's more like it.

Now stop wasting time 'chatting' to losers like us. And earn your living doig what you do best.

And give us credits on the fly.


I did

Post 5


*decides being an afterthought is better than not being thought of at all and waves back*

Happy Easter, boots. smiley - smoochsmiley - bunny

Hsmiley - rainbow

I did

Post 6


I am so glad you had a good time, boots. I hope it gave you a chance to take stock and realise that perhaps you don't have to prove to yourself or anyone else that you are getting on with your life.

You are doing wonderfully and letting go of things that aren't working for you is also good, not a step back.

smiley - hug

I did

Post 7


Been thinking of you a lot recently. smiley - hug

All the best for your writing - you do it so well I can see those people and am still chuckling over your 'dames d'une age certain'.

Caerwynn and I have been half-plotting a visit to Wisley one of these Fridays - you up for it? Plants, coffee, sticky-buns, blether, possibly more coffee and definitely more plants? Any other takers?

I did

Post 8

Mrs Zen

*frantically waves back*

You have been thought of by a lot of people while you have been away girl. It is good to have you back. smiley - hug


I did

Post 9


definitely up for back yard smiley - winkeye
Ben, all going well and no more invasions permitting (Patrick and Dimitri have wasted my afternoon) will be down tomorrow.
Going to do some, as my thespian friend calls it, 'sunday evening wallpaper drying' bonding with the box in the corner.
take care

I did

Post 10

Mrs Zen

Tomorrow belongs to us! I am a couple of hours from Heathrow, maybe a bit less. Who knows what we are on a Ban Collie Day Maun Day.

Oh, and I have resurrected the Never Starting. Check out F74130?thread=406905 for the references.

smiley - hug


I did

Post 11


We can get another in for free at Wisley, as Teuchter and I (or is that 'me', I missed that bit of grammar at school) are members.

Ben I had a quick peek, smiley - laugh. The last time I was Changi (nearly 30 years ago) there wasn't an airport there at all, an entirely different building was standing there smiley - erm

I did

Post 12


Nice one, boots!smiley - ok

Us "femmes d'un certain age" have to go for gold, you are certainly doing so & i wish yousmiley - goodluck.

As you know, i have admired your writing skills for ages smiley - lurk & i am certain that you will succeed at this....hope i do too one day.

All the best to yousmiley - hug

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri(standing invite to South West France, nice medieval town,great place for writers!)

I did

Post 13


Hi (Five) boots
Good to see you Home.
Sort her out tomorrow, will you?
Pinsmiley - hug

I did

Post 14


Thought I saw you lurking Phoc. Like the new 'my space'.
Like the 'five' too...almost cool smiley - winkeye
Terri, a good friend of a friend has just had part of her book serialised in the Mail (don't you just hate it when you know you should remember the name and you can't?) All about giving up life as a policewoman to go and live somewhere north of Watford...very north of Watford, and work on a farm...Jackie? Moffat? I think. Writes with a nice gentle touch and lovely humour. There is hope for the golden oldies after all!
Off to bed now, Ben so see you tomorrow and we can do serious girlie goss smiley - winkeye

I did

Post 15

Mrs Zen

Serious girlie goss standing by for duty ma'am. Two bottles of (spanish) chardonnay in the fridge and a bottle of (australian) reisling.

Warning.... Danger of eclectic shock.

It will be so bloody good to see you. It's been far too long. And tell the seal to pluck up his nerve and face us in person sometime. Oh, and the trout too. We are sweethearts. You know we are, guys. Honey-pies, both of us. (We know you're listening, water-boys).


I did

Post 16


I just got back myself. From California, though.

We must catch up with each other some time, eh Boots? smiley - smiley

smiley - blacksheep

I did

Post 17


Morning, Wolf. Heard you'd been away. Hope it was a good one.
We will most certainly catch up this week.
OK, Ben I'm packing! See you in a few hours!
Dear God perhaps I should just leave an overnight bag by the back door! smiley - winkeye
take care
PS did you finish all the chardonnay?

They wouldn't

Post 18


My Dear Old Spice

I didn't expect that our respective geriatrics would be getting too many more 'best offers in ages', but it would seem that we might be destined to enjoy one last combat mission together.

You'll prefer to take the edgy, elfin one with the thesp pretensions, I expect. I'm already looking forward to decking the loud, vain one with the seal-appealing proportions.

Whenever you're ready, dearest. And I do hope that Trout has got over his 'shortcomings' as mentioned in your last letter. Pinniped has been similarly afflicted for as long as I can remember, but I count it a blessing.

Yours in sisterly vengeance

The Weddell x

They wouldn't

Post 19


smiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - rofl

They wouldn't

Post 20

Mrs Zen

Like I said. Cowardy cowardy custards!


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