This is the Message Centre for Boots

Happy Birthday to boots.

Post 21


Late as usual.
Still, have a Clooter...smiley - stiffdrink

Happy Birthday to boots.

Post 22


Actually still sticking to the 74 Hypatia (might have to update it soon smiley - winkeye) Pin are you serious about the clooter? or are you just Pinnnipissed?!
Hugs and stuff to you all
(who thanks to this mad planet has managed to dig himself out of the trough A2186084)

Happy Birthday to boots.

Post 23


Yeah, Boots.
I read it already, and once again don't know what to say.
Unless it's to mention what I found : that once-painful things eventually began to make me remember with a smile.
You do both emotions at once, it always seems. While the rest of us are either up or down, you are all over the place.
You sure you don't want a Clooter? And no, I'm not. They're non-alcoholic. At least I always thought they were...

Happy Birthday to boots.

Post 24


The old witch who is genetically corded, and who hated Ravager, had the decency to concede that 'memories last longer than dreams'...I hang on to the memories that were the RL dreams that came true. It was good!
Night all company has arrived!
take care

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