The first Thursday

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Is it? I honestly couldn't say for sure. It is eight months, my fingers tell me that much.
What happens when the fingers run out?
Do I count the toes?

Who's toes?

Not his for sure. The ones I cared for, taking off the callouses and smoothing with fragrant oils; hoovering the carpet afterwards lest people believed we picked our toe nails every Sunday.

I hate the ninth, but I don't believe it was the ninth. It was the eigth and a Thursday.

It had to be a Thursday.

'All bad things happen on a Thursday.' My daughter-in-law once said.
My beautiful daughter-in-law who lights up every space she enters and who will soon move on to a space we cannot share so comfortably.

I had forgotten that it had been said before by someone else who hated Thursdays. I read that news some time ago - oh boy, it didn't matter then.

It matters tonight.

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