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Catching up
LL Waz Started conversation Nov 8, 2003
Hi Boots, came over say
sorry for sending everyone after you when you set off to find Cleo. It sort of confused things for a while. But she's joining in
A while back you said you had news and you'd be back to tell later. But you didn't come back, so I hope the news was good news and that things are sorting themselves out for you.
I enjoyed last week's Doghouse Tale. What with starting stories and Jodan cracking the whip in the underguide miner's e-group I haven't had much time to read the Post, never mind posting comments. Haven't got to this week's yet, except for the wordplay thing.
Now I'm off for the real stuff, and to start the work
I should have started first thing this am.
Catching up
Boots Posted Nov 8, 2003
Hi Waz, sorry about that. The egg timer seems to be on fast forward at the moment. Tomorrow hopefully I will be home, almost alone, so once the chores are chored shall spend some hootoo time and will fill you in.
6 months tomorrow... ouch. Ravager pup says I musn't mark anniversaries. not easy.
take care
Catching up
LL Waz Posted Nov 9, 2003
ouch . No it can't be easy. Whether you should or not? - perhaps it depends how you mark them. Perhaps marking them in some small way would let you know you've said 'I've not forgotten', and then to carry on with the rest of the day. Or perhaps marking them some way you know Ravager would like...but what do I know.
The story's moving on, just waiting for Cleo to get off the bus. It's fun, well I'm having fun. I've never tried anything like this before so it has its unnerving moments.
Catching up
Boots Posted Nov 10, 2003
Hi folks.
Yes it is fun, typical of Pin to throw a challenge. Not sure how much of RL he wants thrown in but suspect he wants it all well hidden in the writing...clever b****r.
Been a bit remiss on the writing etc. day job has taken the reins. Am trying to keep things in their right pidgeon holes but the French homework is suffering. 17 verbs conjugated with etre Hmmm...managed to put them into alphabetical last night then sleep took a hold...aller, arriver, zzzzzzzzz!
take care
Catching up
LL Waz Posted Nov 12, 2003
Allsorts! Coincidence , or have you been reading polishing guides
Hi Speckly - good to see you back. Did I say that before? I meant to in AWW the other night - can't remember if I did.
Catching up
nadia Posted Nov 12, 2003
Um, I think you did, but thanks again anyway. Still up and down but a bit better each day now.
How are you doing Boots? The weekend must have been hard, I hope there was someone around in RL to give you s.
The Story is terribly interesting. I've been following along since it started (god I'm nosy) and I'm really gripped. I too was amazed by the 'allsorts' thing. You really don't miss anything do you Boots? Lurker extrordinaire!
Catching up
Boots Posted Nov 12, 2003
RL abound thanks folks. Couldn't resist the allsorts found it while chasing rabbits down the corridors
take care
Catching up
LL Waz Posted Nov 12, 2003
Thought as much boots .
psst Speckly, can you explain the Story to us then. What exactly is going on? A Lettuce appeared today and chucked a book under the wheels of the bus.
I thought you handled that very neatly boots.
Catching up
nadia Posted Nov 12, 2003
I think the best anyone could do would be to interpret it! Explaining it is a bit much to hope for.
Thanks for reminding me though, I hanen't read it yet today.
Catching up
LL Waz Posted Nov 26, 2003
Way too much to hope for then and even worse now!
Boots, I emailed you a picture to an old email address I had. I thought you might like it but I don't know if you still use that address.
Hope the cat behaved for the rest of last night.
Catching up
Pinniped Posted Nov 26, 2003
You think you've got problems.
I'm saddled with a starstruck whale in sequinned organza.
Catching up
LL Waz Posted Nov 26, 2003
It's so nice of you to be spending quality time with Orchid, Pinniped.
Catching up
Boots Posted Nov 27, 2003
Ouch Waz not sure about the email address...safest is [email protected] otherwise [email protected] spirit and all that jazz. Teensy weensy bit under the influence..had a really nice evening doing hippy chick rehearsal...the boots crippled me but it seems i got the Stevie Nicks phocoid of approval...not sure I can even contemplate dancing the night away, actually not sure i can totter to the taxi...Bizzare...wore the self same clothes thirty years ago...without the wrinkles!
take care
Catching up
LL Waz Posted Nov 27, 2003
Ah, I'll try one of those. The one I used was halfbaked.sadie@ something or other.
Boots crippled by boots! Sounds like a good evening .
Catching up
Boots Posted Nov 27, 2003
Oh Wow!!! Fab Waz you are so clever. Has the old phocoid seen it?
take care
Catching up
LL Waz Posted Nov 27, 2003
That's a puzzle Boots. I mean it seems to have been signed by him, but I wouldn't have thought he'd allow its general release. Waz
Catching up
Boots Posted Nov 27, 2003
Omigod! does that mean you are somehow linked in a weddall kind of way? That would be the most coolest! but probably not right...stupid hound you understand nothing...go back to the kennel. but it would be most delicious if 'twere true.
I do so love this crazy planet.
take mostest care
Catching up
LL Waz Posted Nov 28, 2003
*whispers* the signature's a forgery.
This is getting a very confusing planet .
I think I ought to explain before it gets more confusing. Pin, I have a picture of Orchid, and yourself, well your Story Pinniped self, at the Paris ice rink. You've both autographed it, in a Story sort of way.
You did say there ought to be pictures. This turned into a picture picture.
I sent Boots a copy because I thought she'd like it. Orchid's got the red, white and blue sequins Boots gave her. I don't think they look too fact I think Orchid really looks quite fetching.
Anyway, that's it. And I'm off before I get myself in more trouble. Or Boots does. Got too much imagination that hound .
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Catching up
- 1: LL Waz (Nov 8, 2003)
- 2: Boots (Nov 8, 2003)
- 3: LL Waz (Nov 9, 2003)
- 4: nadia (Nov 9, 2003)
- 5: Boots (Nov 10, 2003)
- 6: LL Waz (Nov 12, 2003)
- 7: nadia (Nov 12, 2003)
- 8: Boots (Nov 12, 2003)
- 9: LL Waz (Nov 12, 2003)
- 10: nadia (Nov 12, 2003)
- 11: LL Waz (Nov 26, 2003)
- 12: Pinniped (Nov 26, 2003)
- 13: LL Waz (Nov 26, 2003)
- 14: Boots (Nov 27, 2003)
- 15: LL Waz (Nov 27, 2003)
- 16: LL Waz (Nov 27, 2003)
- 17: Boots (Nov 27, 2003)
- 18: LL Waz (Nov 27, 2003)
- 19: Boots (Nov 27, 2003)
- 20: LL Waz (Nov 28, 2003)
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