This is the Message Centre for Boots

Catching up

Post 21


This I have to see.
Boots, why don't you mail it on, and/or give Waz my RL e-mail address?
Pinsmiley - erm

Catching up

Post 22


I was going to Pin but you know me and technology...seem to have lost your email address...amend boots you have lost everyone's email address you fool! I think Waz was going to send it to Ben so it may well catch up soon. Otherise email the sadie account team@ etc and I will send it over. It really is a cracker! (Good heaven's boots positively northern!)
take care

Catching up

Post 23


I've got it! (via Ben)

Oh, wow...

I am now immortal. It's official.

...and I'm SO-O good looking!

Hey, Waz. Could you possibly do another one without so much whale on it?

Pinsmiley - blush

Catching up

Post 24

LL Waz

smiley - laugh Careful what you ask for.

Boots, forgot to ask - how was Fleetwood Mac? Did you do any crowd surfing?

Catching up

Post 25


Hi Waz *waves* Far too old for surfing! I loved it...not sure owner in waiting was quite as impressed but then she comes from the music industry. The effects were superb and Stevie Nicks was awesome. OK might have been a bit too much 'i'm better on the drums than you are on the guitar' stuff, and twenty minute drum solos are a tad seventies, but the die hard fans lapped it up. There was a massive punch up after the show...they really do hate each other! But it was fun. The boots on the other hand were not! More on this weeks fashion statements and christmas decorations in the post perhaps smiley - winkeye
take care
boots (unfettered)

Catching up

Post 26

LL Waz

Hi there - just wondering how things are going. And belated congratulations on being Underguided. It was a shame Northern Exposure was late being exposed on the Front Page but it got there, so here's smiley - bubbly to you smiley - smiley.

Catching up

Post 27


Hey Waz. Hi to you too. smiley - smiley
Annual pleurasy his kicked in,which is an arse but it always does at this time of year. Antibiotics should kick in by tomorrow but uncomfortable couple of days. No chance of time off, we won't make Christmas if I do, I am the only florist at the moment.
Washing machine has just died and offsprung spring back saturday...hmmm that'll be a bit of a smelly Christmas!
Apart from that gritted teeth and fortitude. 'There are others having a far tougher time boots don't be such a wuss!'

Hope things OK with you and you have a good festive fiasco!
take care

Catching up

Post 28

LL Waz

*wonders if Santa can get a washing machines down a chimney*

Wuss is not a word I'd ever use to describe you. Best wishes for Christmas Boots.

I'm ok, got one of those cold bugs that drag on and on and on but is never that bad. Christmas fiasco starts tonight when I'll go round to my parents to interrogate my brother who's staying with them for Christmas. Out of the blue, he changed jobs and half moved to London (How can anyone sensibly live half in Yorkshire, half in London?) a few weeks ago and has avoided answering questions ever since. Now we can get our hands on him he'll have to answer. Reinforcements in the shape of my sister and niece will arrive on Boxing Day.

In case you're not around before new year I'll wish you all the best for 2004 now. Take care of yourself.

Pinniped, Speckly I'll say best wishes for Christmas and New Year to you here as well - however you celebrate them, enjoy them or just put up with them smiley - smiley.

smiley - redwine and smiley - xmaspud to you all.

Catching up

Post 29

LL Waz

PS Boots - will you be alright on your own in the Congo? Want company or is this a solo journey?

Catching up

Post 30


Thanks all of you.
Loving the Africa bit of our journey and no I will be fine. Have house full and social overdose arranged by RL mates so I don't despair.
Sometimes it is good to walk alone and Africa is so beautiful...hootoo is a good space to think and I think I may even do an RL solo journey at some point between now and the NY. I like walking in woods...don't think I'll make the congo but the west country is always good for a ramble!
Take care all of you and have a special time.

See you with the obligatory NY hangover!


Catching up

Post 31


Hi folks.

A very merry one to you and yours Waz. Festive wishes also to all those heading for Cairo (or lingering a while in Africa). I know that for many it has been a hard year and I hope that the new year brings everyone joy and contentment.

smiley - xmaspud

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