This is the Message Centre for helga danielsen

hi farawaylady

Post 1


Hope you don't mind me popping by . . . read your AWW piece. Very moving, to say the least. And extremely well written.

I was in tears many times with the idea that we don't often appreciate what is there for us. So that every day we should count our blessings. Something we usually forget to do.

Thank you for reminding me to do that. smiley - hug

Anyhow, I also stopped by to invite you to visit my h2g2 friends photo gallery, and to join us there if you'd like to.


Maybe see you there?

smiley - smiley


hi farawaylady

Post 2

helga danielsen

Thanks for visiting. Permit me to wish you all the best for your wedding so very soon. If you love each other truly and never doubt, that from now on you'll share the rest of your lives, you'll will be happy! As to your invitation, I can't just now, but maybe later.

hi farawaylady

Post 3


Wedding? smiley - erm

I think you are confusing me with someone else, either that or it's going to be a surprise wedding! smiley - winkeye

Well, the invitation is always there if you'd ever like to join us in the gallery.


hi farawaylady

Post 4

helga danielsen

Oh, Gosh, I am very sorry. Well, if you are not going to wed on Wednesday, today, than it is somebody else, ha, ha. God knows on whose space I saw they were going to get married. Thought it was yours. Will you please forgive me? I was amazed at the number of pictures!

hi farawaylady

Post 5


Oh goodness, there is nothing to forgive! I thought it was quite funny to discover I was getting married. So I wonder who is getting married today. I know that Kelli is getting married on Saturday, hmmm . . .

Yes, the photo gallery is up to over 300 pics now! It was inspired by a thread started by a couple hootoo friends of mine (~jwf~ and clzoomer) talking about how they picture the people they are always talking to on h2g2 and wondering if their image of them was similar to how these people really looked. And since I already had quite a few photos of h2g2 friends that had been sent to me by email, I decided to start the photo gallery (with their permission, of course).

I really didn't expect it to take off the way it has. I thought most people would prefer to remain 'visually anonymous'. But it turned out that people quite liked being able to put a face to the name, and so they also started sending in their photos. Anyhow, it's quite a pet project of mine and that's why I've never 'advertised' it on the Front Page or on Ask H2G2, thinking it would be nicer to have it as a word-of-mouth thing, friends telling other friends, etc. And so I also get people I've never heard of sending in photos, because someone else in the gallery told them about it, and I think that's great.

Well, just a bit of history about the photo gallery.


hi farawaylady

Post 6

helga danielsen

Thank you az, for the explanation. As soon as I can get a picture of myself into my computer, I'll send it to you smiley - biggrin

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