This is the Message Centre for Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

marking the first day of h@ll

Post 1

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

At about 9pm last night, a compresser started up on the area the houses will go, i imagine to drain the holes they dug out.
At 8am this morning the big stuff kicked in, the thump,thump,thump,of the piledriver, then about 8-30am, the drilling ones started up.
Since then they are banging away, with a few quiet bits for about 3 to 5 minutes.
I have to wait till after 9-30 to use my past, the first bus at 9-50am.
I dont useual go out till 10-20am, but if i go early it will cost me £1-70p on the bus.
So its now the start of months, even yrs of h@ll,
The thing is now, do i stay,and put up with it, or ask to be downgraded, thats what the housing wrote asking me to do, when my lodger moved out.
Im in a three bedroom house, they want to give me a pokey flat.
Do i go, and give in, or stay and get driven nuts day after day.
smiley - dragon jim

marking the first day of h@ll

Post 2


Tough call. That needs a lot of thinking about. smiley - goodluck I suppose it depends on how 'at home' you feel (or felt) before this upheaval.

Websailor smiley - dragon

marking the first day of h@ll

Post 3

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi websailor
its been decided an hour ago, they sent me a letter asking if i wanted one of the new ones, no way,traffic, kids, music, and buses passing every half hour, i rang and told her, over my dead body, so im here wind, rain snow, builders and anything else they want to throw at me lol smiley - dragon jim xx

marking the first day of h@ll

Post 4

Nigel *ACE*

It sounds a difficult one Jim smiley - sadface.

Noise has always made my nerves bad, and whatever I do I just cannot stop shaking smiley - grr.

Perhaps you could ask to be relocated somewhere else, it is always difficult though as you never know if you are moving into somewhere worse.

All the best.

Nigel smiley - footprints

marking the first day of h@ll

Post 5

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi nigel
im staying put, my mother had the houe, then my sister, now me, when i do go, it goes back to the housing.
since my lodger/relation went, its been the most peacefull its been in eight years, every night, the door for him 3 or 4 times,
the music was the techno crap, and if he was playing the shootem games on the pc, i could hear the ruddy man getting shot, over and over again. apart from a few cars that go past, im hunky dory smiley - dragon jim

marking the first day of h@ll

Post 6

Nigel *ACE*

I can understand you wanting to stay Jim.

I am pleased it is peaceful than it has been, except for the builders.

I'm not into that type of music either, the type where all you can hear is bump, bump, bump, bump! smiley - grr.

Nigel smiley - footprints

marking the first day of h@ll

Post 7

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi nigel
in the last 19 years, ive had windows hit, and broke, my fence taken down and used for a bonfire night, add the last 8 with a pain in the bum, with a large chip on the shoulder living upstairs, and for years his motor bike leaving at 8am for work,
i asked the housing if they could now redo the pathway, as the bike as made a right mess, but the say its personal damage, so i,ll have it sorted in the year myself.
i still have a cam and security light, but no noe comes near now.
i,ll put up with the racket, for the peace at night lol smiley - dragon jim

marking the first day of h@ll

Post 8

Nigel *ACE*

Everywhere is getting just as bad smiley - grr. We have the occasional problem here, which is never straight forward to resolve.

The peace at night is the most important thing to me, not being able to sleep because of noise makes me bad tempered the next day.

Anyway, must get to this annual allotment meeting smiley - run.

Take care.

Nigel smiley - footprints

marking the first day of h@ll

Post 9

Reality Manipulator

Hi Jimsmiley - smiley

I am very sorry that you have to put up with so much noise and distrubution. One thing, moving is a very expensive business, as removal firms are not cheap, even those who have special offers. Packing, unpacking is a horrendous task and even though they do offer packing it is mainly for the big items and it is not cheap as I have used this service.

marking the first day of h@ll

Post 10

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

one day of normal waking up, as they are on the top section, and im sheilded by houses inbetween the thumping didnt wake me,
smiley - dragon jim

marking the first day of h@ll

Post 11


Hi Jim,

Glad you made a decision to stay, no matter what. It's a lot better and easy on yourself to resolve these matters with out delay. Great.

Hope construction works will be completed soon, so peace & quiet returns to your nieghbourhood.

DS smiley - smiley

marking the first day of h@ll

Post 12

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi ds
this morning was the worsted yet, they are on the one nearest to me
when i get to the cyber, i have the layout on an emal of what they are doing, and how many,its like building another estate.
we have been told as its four phases, and way the crunch is affecting everythng, it could stretch to a year and half at least. smiley - dragon jim

marking the first day of h@ll

Post 13

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

here,s what the estate will have when its finished

smiley - dragon jim

Marking the first day of hell!->That looked like the word 'hall' eg:- h@ll

Post 14


Hello Jim.
Last year I lived next to a building site my new neighbours, knocking down walls drilling, banging, hammering and at 7am on a Sunday morning till gone 9pm this was going on for weeks,months and still goes on NOW smiley - grr but I'm away right now. Last year I went and stopped at my partners for 4months, if its not that far away but your still hearing Quote: Thump, Thump, Thump maybe you should try wearing some kind of earplug just a thought. The only thing I find when wearing them is you can hear yourself breathing also your own heartbeat!

Marking the first day of hell!->That looked like the word 'hall' eg:- h@ll

Post 15

Reality Manipulator

Hi Jimsmiley - hug

The site looks huge and even 12 flats that they started building last year (about 8-9 miles away from where I live) got a lot of complaints because of the noise. I hope that the distrubtion will not last long.

Marking the first day of hell!->That looked like the word 'hall' eg:- h@ll

Post 16

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi kat
they say as its in phases could be a year at least,once the houses are done, then the noise should be less, till the gardens and walkways and so on are to be done. smiley - dragon jim xx

Marking the first day of hell!->That looked like the word 'hall' eg:- h@ll

Post 17

Reality Manipulator

Hi Jimsmiley - smiley

Hopefully once they get the skelton of the building up, it won't be so noisy.

They keep on promising to build flats in our area, similar layout to the flats/houses near you but they have not even started on the foundations yet.

Marking the first day of hell!->That looked like the word 'hall' eg:- h@ll

Post 18

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

well i got it wrong, they arnt working sunday to fridy, its saturday, all day to, so sunday is going to be the only day, i can exspect to be able to stay in bed till 9am smiley - dragon jim

Marking the first day of hell!->That looked like the word 'hall' eg:- h@ll

Post 19

Reality Manipulator

Hi Jimsmiley - smiley

When they were doing the block of flats near the shops in South Ockendon, they worked five days but on Saturday it was a half a day. They also had quite a few tea breaks and took a wile before they got going. But to work all day on Saturday, that must be terrible. I wonder what is the rush for them to be built so quickly.

Marking the first day of hell!->That looked like the word 'hall' eg:- h@ll

Post 20

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

dont know if anyone is still watching this
the building of the new houses as become a right fiasco.
i spoke to on of the bosses, while waitng for the bus.
to ask why the 21 fot tubes where being stuck all the way down the drilled holes.
what a shock when he told me, under the whole of the estate is old coal mines and shafts, never filled in. so the tubes are so they can force some hard setting grey liquid into the old working, or the houses cant be built.
abot a month ago other end of the estate, we heard about part of a street falling in, as a car went over it, one one hurt just a big hole. so its going to be months to fill in the shafts, before it solid enough to build on smiley - dragon jim

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