This is the Message Centre for Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

Marking the first day of hell!->That looked like the word 'hall' eg:- h@ll

Post 21

Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet

Tread lightly Jimsmiley - winkeye

the ruddy estate on coal shafts, not filled in

Post 22

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi arnold,
i think a trip to the library is in order, to see what the h@ll is under my house lol smiley - dragon jim

the ruddy estate on coal shafts, not filled in

Post 23


Still reading. Lots of places are like that in Staffordshire too.

Websailor smiley - dragon

the ruddy estate on coal shafts, not filled in

Post 24

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi websailor
what begs the question is, there was 8 manonettes on the same land till about 4 yrs ago, so why now are they filling the old shafts up,
and does it mean the whole estate as open tunnels. ive handed it to someone thats going to look into what they arnt telling us, are the houses safe, it was a few yeras ago we had the small earthquake here, as it changed something smiley - dragon jim

the ruddy estate on coal shafts, not filled in

Post 25

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

looks like ,rain as stopped play, unless something as happened.smiley - dragon jim

the ruddy estate on coal shafts, not filled in

Post 26

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

looks like the rain isnt going to stop work today, the big diggers are here, and making big holes all over the place, so the foundations must be going in.
phase one about to start, layins out of the window smiley - rofl jim

the ruddy estate on coal shafts, not filled in

Post 27

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

if anyone still watching thread.
the workmen are now starting on the foundations, so the houses will soon be next.
inline with the new "estate" they council as now started to lift all the old pavement slabs, to replace with tarmac.
i found out at 8am this morning, when the house shook and a massive bang across the road.
the bulldover had been filled with slabs, and the lot dropped into an empty wagon, i jumped up, and thought it was an explosion or earthquake. lifted the blind and saw the dozer backing off.
i still dont know how i didnt have a mild attack or stroke, the neibours went ruddy balistic,
but true to form, they didnt give a fig, and carried on. smiley - dragon jim

the ruddy estate on coal shafts, not filled in

Post 28

Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet

smiley - winkeye

the ruddy estate on coal shafts, not filled in

Post 29

Reality Manipulator

Hi Jimsmiley - hug

It must have been very frightening to hear such a loud noise in the morning.

They were very thoughtless about the health of others, and seem to be badly supervised.

I hope you won't have to suffer from the thoughtless behaviour of the workmen.

the ruddy estate on coal shafts, not filled in

Post 30


Hi Jim,

I watch this post with great interest. smiley - smiley

Very sad to hear of the disturbances to your neighbourhood.

I reckon these disturbances will be much reduced once foundation works are completed.

the ruddy estate on coal shafts, not filled in

Post 31

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

there are at least 50 pit entrances within a mile of me, over 30 in my street and surrounding areas, i will be scanning a page later today at the library.
and sending to the nat coal board to find the names and tunnels layouts, if they arnt private ones. so watch this space smiley - rofl
smiley - dragon jim

the ruddy estate on coal shafts, not filled in

Post 32

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

this shafts in my area, bottom left, im in the middle area.

smiley - dragon jim

the ruddy estate on coal shafts, not filled in

Post 33

Reality Manipulator

Jim 50 pit entrances are a lot for an area of a mile. I hope that there won't be anymore accidents caused by these coal shafts. Must be very worrying for you to know that you live on a coal mine that could collapse at anytime.smiley - yikes

I hope that the coal and local authorities will do something about it soon.

the ruddy estate on coal shafts, not filled in

Post 34

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

no`work today on the ite, but three heavy buket diggers have been put in the compound, so looks like monday will be yet another 8am rude awakening smiley - dragon jim

the ruddy estate on coal shafts, not filled in

Post 35

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

the housing as already gone back on the agreed, half morgage,half rent, on phase one of 4
they are it says in the neibourhood news leter, to be for rent, social housing. anything from,old and single people, to asylum seekers, under the social services.
there is a meeting been asked for, to see whats going on.smiley - dragon jim

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