This is the Message Centre for Smudger879n

The Yotte Work Party.

Post 1


Well, its that time of the year again folks, where I go over to Leith and do my week on the HMY work party, which is coming up in the couple of weeks. I say work, but in my present condition I can only manage light work, such as polishing the bright-work and such.

That's what Ive done in the last 2 years that Ive gone, its not much really but the visitors seem to notice it, and they always like to chat away to us, about our days when we served on board.

This is going to be the best one yet, as the numbers have increased every year so far, and this year there will double the number of us Ex Yotties that attended the very first one, so that is encouraging!smiley - winkeye

I feel obliged to go really, as I only live thirty or so miles from the dock at Leith, where HMY has been sine being decommissioned. Some of the Yotties come from other countries, such as the USA and New Zealand, to attend, some come by car or fly up from all over Britain.

Which is amazing really, are our numbers are being depleted, as the years go by, yet we all remember them, as we talk about our time serving on board.

I will let you all know how things went, when I get back, that is, if anyone wants to know, either this spacesmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

The Yotte Work Party.

Post 2


Hi Smudger, I am so glad you old hands are keeping an eye on the RYB and making sure she is not neglected. I was really upset when she was de-commissioned, I thought, and still think, it was a bad decision.

What a shame it can't come down to London for the Jubilee, I am sure many people would welcome seeing it again.

Please do come back and tell us about it, I always find it most interesting. Oh, and polishing the shiny bits is most important - it has to be done with pride and elbow grease, things that are sadly lacking these days smiley - biggrin


smiley - cheers

Websailor smiley - dragon

The Yotte Work Party.

Post 3


Aye! WS, the HMY is well looked after by all the and hard working people from the trust, that run the whole tourist and maintenance side of the business.

We just go back once a year to help them out with the bigger jobs that need doing, and help out in general.

Its a shame that the HMY will not be in London for the celebrations, (as all the engines have been removed).....but the good news is, the Royal Barge with its Two Escort boats will be there, in all their glory!

I used to crew on the Escort boats, it was long hours and hard work, but really rewarding, and we all have many memories from those timessmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

The Yotte Work Party.

Post 4

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I hope you have a good time with your friends.

Give the brasswork an extra rub from me smiley - towel

lil xx

The Yotte Work Party.

Post 5


smiley - space
hi smudger smiley - smiley

i went back and read your 'the second work party' and the reunion entries and about your initial disappointment with the condition of HMY Brittaniia

i was looking for a 'first work party' entry and/or explanation of how you all got these work parties started ! smiley - biggrin

can u point me to it if it exists or can u make an entry on it?
an entry explaining how that brass went from green neglect to tje shining glory it is today

also, do u have a link for that site where you Yotties hook up?
what is a Yottie?

thanks smiley - towel

The Yotte Work Party.

Post 6


Aye! OK, I don't think I did a Snippet on the first one I attended.

The site we use is not open to the public as such, (security reasons I was told) but just type Britannia into Google, and that will take you to the official web sitesmiley - winkeye

It has been suggested that my failed effort to hold a reunion on board back in 2005, was the original attempt.

My idea being was, that attending all the reunions and dinner dances and the like, could not be attended by those of us who live here in Scotland, and the North in general. It cost too much, plus getting the time off to go.

So I asked, why not have "a do" on board, after all, she is anchored in Leith. So I organised it all, and had some 38 people attending, so I worked with the management team on board, for the catering side of it all, but alas in the end, only a handful actually came?smiley - erm

So, that put an end to my being involved, ever again? But the idea never went away, and hence followed the first ever work party.

As for my concern for "her appearance", when I first arrived, well, I found out later that the small full time dedicated staff, who all work extremely hard, just cant do everything that is required every day.

So, we all pop up once a year, and do all those small little details, like the bright-work, that they simply cant do in the limited time they have, before it is opened up for the public to tour.

I hope I have answered your questions, to be honest, I got a bit carried away there, as its not normal for me to answer such questions, and I actually enjoyed doing that.smiley - winkeyesmiley - ok

smiley - cheersSmudger.

The Yotte Work Party.

Post 7


smiley - space
i am having a terrible time accessing the site
but when things iron out i will reply in better form

yes thank you your answers are great smiley - ok
how charming to have been active on that ship!

The Yotte Work Party.

Post 8

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi smudger

have a good time away, im still plodding around, no digibox now, so no emails from home just this rubbish library and cybershop now and then.

ive had the new virginmedia tivo installed its better than nothing, and it as the hd channels for free. and if i get a pc, option to use the tv as the monitor through the hd12 link.

take care. smiley - sheep jim, jimcracker

The Yotte Work Party.

Post 9


Hi Jm, good to hear from you. That Tovo box is the latest hi/rev bit of kit.

I am on my IPhone just now, as the Net is Free here in the hotel lobby so I am making the best of it,

However. It's harder to type on this?

The lads are all here and it feels like we have never been away!
See you all when I get homesmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheers Smudger.

The Yotte Work Party.

Post 10


Give the guys a wave from me Smudger, so proud of them and the RYB.

Websailor smiley - dragon

The Yotte Work Party.

Post 11


Hi Smudger! The Yotties are getting some great coverage on BBC Breakfast this morning!

Looking very good smiley - ok

The Yotte Work Party.

Post 12


smiley - space
ohhh beatrice, is there an internet link for that for us non UK folks?

i did see a video from 2009 and some some fish and a bell brightwork

hope you check in here as soon as you get back smudger!! smiley - towel

The Yotte Work Party.

Post 13


Hi Folks, Ive been back for a week now, just been a bit busy looking after Mk2, but I will do my Snippet on the 2012 work party, as soon as I can finish it.smiley - winkeye

I was supposed to be interviewed for the TV, as I live fairly near to the Yacht, but the interview never happened, because I was given the wrong place and time to be there???????smiley - erm (skullduggery I think)

I was on TV for all of 2 seconds, polishing bright work, as that's all I can manage these days?

So I will put up my Snippet as soon as its finishedsmiley - ok

smiley - cheersSmudger.

The Yotte Work Party.

Post 14


Look forward to it Smudger. TV is like that. Even if you get to do a long interview it can be cut short or dropped altogether, without notice.

Never mind, we know what you get up to smiley - biggrin

Websailor smiley - dragon

The Yotte Work Party.

Post 15


Not sure if that link will work....

The Yotte Work Party.

Post 16


Yea! one of the lads posted that link up on the Yottie site, just a pity it wasn't longer.smiley - winkeye

Thanks for posting that upsmiley - cool

smiley - cheersSmudger.

The Yotte Work Party.

Post 17

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Very emotional smiley - hug

The Yotte Work Party.

Post 18


smiley - space
eagerly awaiting your report smiley - smiley

it doesn't have to be long
it could be in... snippets?

The Yotte Work Party.

Post 19


Well Its finished, and is on the bottom of my page with the rest of the Snippets, if smiley - thepost wants it that is, let me know if its OK or not? smiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

The Yotte Work Party.

Post 20


smiley - space
okay, i found it down in your list of entries... great!

i don't know why i am so interested in this but i think it might have to do with getting to revisit past passions and partake in them again...

i have been to my hometown and gotten to do many things i used to do as a child and young adult... i even got tp pay an old debt from grade school!! (i had bought some chickenwire for a project but didnt have the money... so, it being a very small town, the shopkeeper trusted me to return with the money... i never did... until last year... where the shop was still there amazingly enuf and i could pay them the $5 yay)

anyway i think it is great that you get to do this every year and i know how gratifying it must be!! Having cared for that old ship for so long, it is hard to see it not being cared for so well, and it is feels great to get to care for it again and make it be more of what it can be smiley - smiley

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