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Work Party on HMY 2011.

Post 1


Well folks, its that time of the year again, the week that all us Old Yotties come from all the globe to spend a week working on or old ship, HMY Britannia.

So I wont be on line for a few days next week, some of you already know it was April last year, the date was changed in order that more old crew members could come and take part.

I've arranged for one of Mk2s sisters to come and spend the week with her, so this will my weeks respite from being a carer 24/7.

I will of course give you all a full report upon my return, which I hope will end up in smiley - thepost like we did last year, in fact I have a Snippet on the bottom of my page right now, hoping to be picked up by smiley - thepost admin. Its called "Our Zippy"

Its a report on the purchase of our every own car, as we have decided to opt out of the Mobility Scheme, but the full story is in there, hope you all like itsmiley - winkeye

Right then, that's about it, must admit I'm looking forward to meeting my old shipmates once again, we all had a great time last year, and the year before, the very first one. Hard to believe that the numbers attending this year is 5 times the amount of that first year. So, watch out for my report upon my return, Bye! Folkssmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Work Party on HMY 2011.

Post 2


Have a great time Smudger, you deserve the break. Look forward to your report when you get back. Off myself next week, first break for seventeen years so I know how you feel.

Glad Mark ll will be looked after at home not in respite care.

smiley - cheers

Websailor smiley - dragon

Work Party on HMY 2011.

Post 3


Happy times mate smiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - winkeye

Work Party on HMY 2011.

Post 4


Well folks, it was a great week for all of us that took part. We had 20 more folk than last year so we got all the the planned work done and a lot of other stuff that wasn't planned done as well.

The result could be seen by all the visitors, as the Yacht now looks like she was when on Royal Duty! (well almost)

Once again we were given a wonderful banquet from the on board staff, who did us proud! The humour and banter was on going throughout the whole week, and it was great to be bank amongst my old fellow Yotties one again, it brought back many happy memories.

Of course I have already put my name down for next year, as that week is my only break from being a 24/7 carer for Mk2, who has recently recovered from another chest infection, which almost stopped me from attending the work party?

But one of her sisters stepped in and stayed here with her all the time I was away. In fact she was well on to recovery by the time I left on Sunday afternoon.

The fact that we had 20 more Yotties this year, proves that although our numbers are depleting every year, more of them are taking part in this annual event. If anyone is planning a visit to Britannia in the near future, give me a shout before you gosmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Work Party on HMY 2011.

Post 5


Hello it did sound fun for you and a well erned break smiley - cheers

Are you listed here

Work Party on HMY 2011.

Post 6


Hi Bob, that is the actual web site for the Britannia, our Yottie web site is just for all ex crew members to keep in touch, as they are scattered all over the world now.

In fact I have been trying to get more of them to use the site more, and it is starting to pick up now.smiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Work Party on HMY 2011.

Post 7


It must have been fun smiley - biggrin

Work Party on HMY 2011.

Post 8


Aye! we had to pace ourselves, as it was hard work for all us "old timers" smiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Work Party on HMY 2011.

Post 9


smiley - laugh

Work Party on HMY 2011.

Post 10


Come and join us here for a while you might find you like the company The Sportsmans Arms PH It will be good to see you

Work Party on HMY 2011.

Post 11


Ah! cheers for that bob, but I am not in here much these days, since I stopped writing for smiley - thepost (which I miss doing now)

I just pop in to see what's going on, and if there is anything on my page, then pop out againsmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Work Party on HMY 2011.

Post 12


Glad you had a good time Smudger. Just had my first holiday for seventeen years and it was great so I know something of what you feel.

I too, miss writing for smiley - thepost but don't seem to have time at the moment. If it survives long enough I might get round to it again eventually.

smiley - cheers

Websailor smiley - dragon

Work Party on HMY 2011.

Post 13


Hi WS, hope you enjoyed your holiday, that week on board is my only break for a year. But Hey! I was on the local TV news.smiley - winkeye

I did leave a Snippet on my page, just in case, its about us buying the wee Smart car.smiley - cool

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Work Party on HMY 2011.

Post 14


Hi Smudger, glad you had a good time - I'll get to work on your Snippets this week smiley - ok

Work Party on HMY 2011.

Post 15


Goodun.smiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

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