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Quick query

Post 1


Hiya Smudger, I was just making a start on editing this week's Snippet, but I'm having trouble with this sentence:

"thinking it was one the straps on the two large pallets "

Is there a word missing, perhaps?

Many thanks

Quick query

Post 2


Hi Beatrice, Ah! Sorry about that, I forgot that a lot of folk wouldn't know what that was.
A wooden pallet is made up of of thin wood on the top and bottom, and usually has four inch thick wooden blocks in between, they are made for transporting goods with a fork lift and loading them into ware houses and lorries.

The part I mentioned was the thin strap on the top/bottom, as I used two pallets joined together to make the base for the shed to stand onsmiley - winkeye Hope that helps?
smiley - cheersSmudger.

Quick query

Post 3


So is it

"one of the straps"


"on the straps"

smiley - smiley

Quick query

Post 4


"One of the straps" would sound better, and I only hope that folk will know what I mean, it doesn't really matter much as far as the story goes. What do you think?smiley - cool
smiley - cheersSmudger.

Quick query

Post 5


I think pallets are fairly well understood - "one of" makes it make sense, muchos gracias smiley - cheers

Quick query

Post 6


smiley - coolsmiley - winkeye

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