This is the Message Centre for Smudger879n

Osiyo 210712... Can I call you that?

Post 21


Hi Batty, Thanks for all your help to date, by the way I found your pop uo thingie, how can I get one? I can see your site is bust so Ill leg it for just now. Cheers Smudger,

Osiyo 210712... Can I call you that?

Post 22


You might want to wait til you're more sure of how to use the site. It involves cutting and pasteing text from a gadgets area onto your personal space. When you think you're ready to do so let me know and I'll show you where to get it and how to put it on your page.

In the interim you can use mine. It will display your own conversations, even though it is on my page.

Osiyo 210712... Can I call you that?

Post 23


Hi Batty Sorry to bother you again, but what is the E mail address for this site? I always come in through Pacific Glory page but I do not always get in. Can you advise??
Cheers, and thanks again!! Smudger.

Osiyo 210712... Can I call you that?

Post 24


Hi Smudger!

Here is the link to your page, so you can use your own space as your start page:

To get to the main h2g2 page just click the h2g2 logo in the upper left corner. Starting on your page will allow you to immediately see new conversations on your page and monitor your existing ones before setting out to the rest of the site.

smiley - cheers
smiley - bat

Osiyo 210712... Can I call you that?

Post 25


Hi Batty, many thanks from Smudger,

Osiyo 210712... Can I call you that?

Post 26


Any time! smiley - cheers

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