This is the Message Centre for asbenjamin


Post 41


hiya Andrew hunsmiley - smiley just a quick message to ask whether you will be posting the badges you are sending me before you move? i hope so smiley - smiley anyway i,ll email you soonsmiley - smiley
take care smiley - rose
smiley - love
paula smiley - rosesmiley - rose


Post 42


Hi Andrea,
When I finish Basic Training, I will then go to Keesler AFB in Mississippi for advanced training in my particular field. Then I will be sent to a base, hopefully one of the ones that I request, to begin work.
Yes, I did have a nice time out, thankyou.


Post 43


Hi Paula, I'll be leaving in a few days, but I will try to keep in touch. I might not be able to write to you during the six weeks of basic, but I know I'll be able to during tech school. I will I'll try to send those badges in time, but if I can't, I promise that I will send them as soon as I can.


Post 44


hiya Andrew smiley - smiley many thanks for your email that i have just replied to you! smiley - smiley here is a smiley - coffee and a smiley - donut enjoy smiley - smiley
i look forward to recieving the badges maybe on Monday smiley - smiley anyway hun i just want to let you know that you are a very special friend to me and always will be smiley - rose
take care smiley - smiley and i,ll chat to you soon hun smiley - rose
smiley - love paula
smiley - cuddle


Post 45


hiya Andrew smiley - smiley how are you? i,m smiley - cool havent done much today so its been pretty boring so far nothing unsual there then smiley - laugh what about you? smiley - smiley anyway here is a smiley - coffee and some smiley - chocsmiley - cake for you hope you enjoy it smiley - smiley and i look forward to hearing from you soon hun smiley - smiley
take care smiley - smiley
smiley - love paula
smiley - rosesmiley - kisssmiley - cuddle


Post 46


Hi Paula. I'm well, thanks. How are you today? I haven't been up to very much either.


Post 47


hiya Andrew hunsmiley - smiley thanks for the message i,m ok smiley - smiley hope you recieved my email ok? smiley - smiley where have you asked to be posted to hun? smiley - wahsmiley - wah i,m making a smiley - coffee soon would you like a smiley - coffee or would you prefer smiley - tea or even better a smiley - stiffdrink ? anyway hun i hope to recieve a letter from you soon ok hunsmiley - smiley
take care smiley - rose
smiley - love your mate paula
smiley - rosesmiley - rose
ps here is a smiley - burger for you with all the trimmmings! hope you enjoy it smiley - smiley


Post 48


Hi Paula. During basic, I'll fill out a list of choices for bases, 8 outside of the continental United States, and 6 within. For the first 8 I'll probaly choose Lakenheath, Mildenhall, Molesworth, Croughton, Eielson,Alaska; Elmondorf, Alaska; Ramstein, Germany; and Incirlik, Turkey.

For the 6 within the continental US, I'll probaly choose the Pentagon; Dover, Deleware; Andrews, Maryland; Fairchild, Washington; McChord,Washington; and Wright Patterson, Ohio.

Hello All

Post 49

AngelicWitch (ACE)

Hello Andrew and Paula,

What have u got planned for the next few days or so? I'm at college tomorrow then wednesday ive got the day off which will be coool! smiley - smiley



Post 50


hiya Andrew hun smiley - rose how are you? i,m smiley - cool but still smiley - blue that you are leaving soon smiley - wahsmiley - wah ss i will miss chatting to you smiley - rose anyway hun before i forget did you manage to post my letter today containing my badges? anyway hun here is a smiley - coffee and a smiley - burger for you with all the trimmings yum! Yum! smiley - laugh
anyway i,ll email you soon smiley - smiley
take care hunny butch smiley - smiley
<love your mate always <rose?
paula smiley - kisssmiley - cuddle


Post 51

AngelicWitch (ACE)

smiley - smiley


Post 52


hiya Andrew hunsmiley - smiley how are you? i,m fine hope you recieved my email ok? havent done very much lately what about you? in my email i asked if you had posted my badges yet? anyway hope you are keeping well? and i hope to hear from you soonsmiley - smiley
smiley - love your mate always paula smiley - rose
ps here is a smiley - coffee and a piece of smiley - cake for you enjoy! smiley - smiley


Post 53


hiya Andrew how are you? smiley - rose i,m smiley - cool but smiley - sleepy thought i,d drop you a line as i haven"t heard from you in a whilesmiley - smiley and you have not replied to my mails as yetsmiley - smiley i was wondering if you have posted my badges yet? smiley - bigeyes
anyway here is a smiley - burger for you and a smiley - stiffdrink enjoysmiley - smiley
and i hope to hear from you soon smiley - cuddle
smiley - love
smiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - disco


Post 54


Hi Paula, sorry I haven't been able to keep in touch. I just completed basic training and have started technical training at Keesler. My access to the net is going to be a little touch and go for a while, but I wrote you a letter and will be sending it as soon as I get some stamps. How have you been? This is my first time back to the site since I left, have there been many changes?
Talk to you soon


Post 55

Nikki "Sweet Pea" Hart

Hello! I am new to this and I found your little site thing while browsing. I am Nikki and from England and I was wondering if we could maybe be friends?


Post 56


Hi, welcome.
Sure, we can be friends.


Post 57

Nikki "Sweet Pea" Hart

Thank you! Well my name is Nikki and I am from Sheffield in England if anybody knows where that is! I am 18 and I am at college doing Media Studies! What about you?


Post 58


Im 19, I'm from just outside of Boston, Massachusetts. I'm in the US Air Force, and just graduated from technical training for Tech Control. Our job is to provide communications any where in the world, no matter what. I'm currently stationed at Incirlik Air Base in the South Eastern corner of Turkey

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