This is the Message Centre for asbenjamin


Post 1

the mad tester


Post 2


Hiya Andrew hun here is a smiley - rose for you! smiley - laugh how are you? you cant imagine the surprise i got when clicked onto your name and saw that you had put a message up for me smiley - smileysmiley - wow i feel privledged i,m smiley - flyhi all night now because of that smiley - rose would you like a smiley - tea or smiley - coffee or would you prefer a smiley - stiffdrink? anyway Andrew I hope to hear from you soon take care smiley - smiley
smiley - love Paula smiley - rose AKA Grifter Gal smiley - smileysmiley - smiley


Post 3


Hi, nice to meet you. I'm fine, thanks. How are you?


Post 4


hiya Andrew hun smiley - rose paula here AkA Grifter Gal smiley - disco how are you? i, fine smiley - smiley would you like a smiley - tea or smiley - coffee or would you like a bowl of smiley - strawberries itwas really great to hear from you i was smiley - flyhi when i got your message today cos your introduction was really interesting cos i think you have lead a really interesting life smiley - smiley anyway i look forward to hearing from you soon hun smiley - rose
smiley - love paula Aka Grifter Gal smiley - peacedovesmiley - peacedovesmiley - discosmiley - disco


Post 5


Hi, nice to hear from you again. I was just wondering how you came to my little corner.


Post 6


hiya Andrew paula here AKA Grifter Gal smiley - rose how are you? i,m smiley - cool i hope you are ok as i havent heard from you and that makes me smiley - blue would you like a smiley - tea or smiley - coffee or would you prefer a glass of smiley - bubbly with me? smiley - smiley or would you prefer a pint of smiley - stout ? anyway hope to hear from you soon cos if i dont you will make me smiley - cry ! take care smiley - smiley
smiley - love paula AKA Grifter Gal smiley - peacedovesmiley - peacedove hear is a smiley - cuddle from me to you smiley - smiley


Post 7


hiya Andrew hun smiley - smiley in answer to your question i was looking at who was online as i,m always and i happened to see your name so i decided to pay you a visit i hope you dont mind smiley - laugh i also found you to be a very interesting person and i wanted to find out more about you smiley - blush anyway i hope to hear from you soon
take care
smiley - love Grifter Gal smiley - smileysmiley - smiley
ps here is a smiley - coffee for you and a slice of smiley - chocsmiley - cake
ps would you like to be my pen pal? smiley - smiley and can i have your email addy? you can have mine smiley - football


Post 8


Hi, nice to hear from you again. You can email me at [email protected]. I'm flattered that you find me so interesting, and would like to get to know you better too. Hope to hear from you again soonsmiley - smiley


Post 9


hiya Andrew hun smiley - smiley paula here AKA Grifter Gal it was great to hear from you again and i,m glad you want to get to know me cos i think your smiley - coolsmiley - laugh many thanks for your email addy one question is it an English email? addy? cos its a very unusual one? and what do you look like? how old are you? what are your hobbies? and what do you do for a living? and would you like to write to me? phew i,m smiley - sleepy now after writing all that hun smiley - laugh anyway here is my email addy for you [email protected] ok hun smiley - kisssmiley - kiss
smiley - love Grifter Gal smiley - lovesmiley - love
ps i,ll email you soon i promise smiley - smiley


Post 10


Hi Paula. My email address isn't English, its American. I'm 5'9, I have brown hair and brown eyes. I'm 18. My hobbies include playing pool, going for drives, and electronics. For a living, I just joined the Air Force as a Communications- Computer Systems Control Apprentice, which basically means that I'll be mantaining communication systems. I'm looking foward to writing to yousmiley - smiley


Post 11


Hiya Andrew hun smiley - peacedove hope you are ok i,m smiley - cool i sent you an email last night, so i look forward to hearing from you soon smiley - cuddle i,ll send you my address via email ok Andrew cos its safer that way smiley - laugh well i have brown hair and brown eyes, i,m 5f6/7 and i,m half Greek. would you like smiley - coffee with a slice of smiley - choc or would you like a bowl of smiley - strawberries or would you prefer a smiley - toffeeapple or some smiley - popcorn or smiley - choc ? i.m a wwe wrestling fan smiley - grr anyway Andrew i hope to hear from you again soon
take care smiley - smiley
smiley - love Paula smiley - kisssmiley - kiss AKA Grifter Gal smiley - rosesmiley - rose


Post 12


Hi Paula,
I just replied to your email.


Post 13


hello Andrew smiley - rosesmiley - rose this is just a short message as i,m off to bed soon as i,m smiley - sleepy and feeling smiley - ill at the moment so i wont be online tonight smiley - sorry so dont be too smiley - blue cos i have emailed you smiley - rose have you got any spare wings or air force badges? as i collect them as well as zippo lighters smiley - smiley anyway i.ll chat to you soon smiley - smiley
smiley - love paula AKA Grifter gal smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnotesmiley - cuddlesmiley - kiss


Post 14


Hi Paula, Sorry to hear your ill, hope you feel better in the morning.
The only active duty uniform item that I have spare of is a button from an old style service coat. It was known as the 1608 Service Coat, and was discontinued several years ago.
From my Air Force JROTC days, I have an insignia from a hat. Its about an inch long and displays an eagle over the Air Force shield, with the letters R.O.T.C. I also have two old JROTC patches, one is the JROTC Command patch, and the other was my unit's patch, the MA-061 AFJROTC GROUP. It displays an eagle, with a portion of the Flag, and the words MA-061 Quincy High School. Both patches have some stray threads, but are in pretty good condition.
Do you only collect Air Force items, or miltary items in general?


Post 15


Hiya Andrew hun smiley - smiley how are you? i,m feeling much better now thanks for asking its nice to know you were concered about me smiley - rosesmiley - rose in answer to your question i first started to become interested in army thimgs when i was given a British Army badge in 1988 by a British Army recruit it was circular and silver with an eagle on it and Hm in the middle and i put it on my trilby hat and thats where its been ever since i would appreciate it if you would let me have the things you mentioned as it would mean a lot to me smiley - smiley anyway i,m smiley - sorry i havent repled until now but as you know my email has been going up the smiley - bleep wall! and driving me crazy and also making my smiley - headhurtssmiley - laugh anyway take care of yourself and i hope to hear from you soon either on here or though email smiley - smiley
smiley - love paula AKA Grifter Gal smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - cuddle from me to you my mate smiley - smiley


Post 16


HIYA Andrew i,ve finally caught you online smiley - laugh so how are you i,m smiley - cool i,ve just emailed you and left you a message on here smiley - laugh but you might not have read it yet? smiley - smiley so what have you been doing today anything interesting? all i,ve done is watch t.v smiley - boing i watched a very funny film called i smiley - love you to Death starring kevin klein and tracy ulamn it was about a women who tried to murder her husband after she found out he was having an affair and no matter what she did he just would not die! it was so funny i couldnt stop smiley - laugh anyway hun please drop by me page for a smiley - coffee and a slice of smiley - cake i,ll be smiley - blue if you dont and i,ll smiley - cry take care smiley - smiley
smiley - love paula
smiley - ponysmiley - ponysmiley - pony
ps are you on MSN Messenger? smiley - smiley and please email mesmiley - smiley


Post 17


Hi Paula, I must have logged off just as you posted this, sorry.
I was out most of yesterday with a friend of mine, we drove out to a mall called Wrentham Outlets, its made up of outlet stores from a bunch of different companies. It was a pretty long drive, and the directions we had turned out to be wrong, but we had a good time.
I'll send you those things I mentioned when I get a chance.
I got your emails and I'll send you a reply shortly.
I'm not on MSN.


Post 18


Hiya Andrew hun smiley - rose happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Andrew happy birthday to you smiley - laugh here is a piece of smiley - cake i made it espcially for you! smiley - laugh and here is a smiley - gift dor you! hope you like it smiley - laugh i,m smiley - flyhi about the things you are going to send me smiley - kiss thanks hun smiley - cuddle anyway i look forward to hearing from you soon smiley - smiley
take care smiley - smiley
smiley - love paula smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - blush


Post 19


Hiya Andrew hun smiley - rose happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Andrew happy birthday to you smiley - laugh here is a piece of smiley - cake i made it espcially for you! smiley - laugh and here is a smiley - gift dor you! hope you like it smiley - laugh i,m smiley - flyhi about the things you are going to send me smiley - kiss thanks hun smiley - cuddle anyway i look forward to hearing from you soon smiley - smiley
take care smiley - smiley
smiley - love paula smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - blush


Post 20


Hi Paula, I'll send those things as soon as I can

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