This is the Message Centre for airscotia-back by popular demand

Ex-Cider drinkers united

Post 141

airscotia-back by popular demand

Yeah, they are comforting little beasts to have around eh? smiley - magic But if you've slipped the leash surely this was a brilliant opportunity for getting a babysitter and going out for a boogie? smiley - winkeye

Of course, at your age you'd have to inform the local casualty department just in case smiley - laugh

Ex-Cider drinkers united

Post 142

loonycat - run out of fizz

smiley - cross You're on the brink of me casting one of my smiley - magic spells on you Mr A.
smiley - witch

smiley - evilgrin

Ex-Cider drinkers united

Post 143

airscotia-back by popular demand

Ok, ok. I surrender. smiley - laugh

I don't mean to be rude, i only offend people i like honestly smiley - tongueout

Please feel free to give me grief too. smiley - winkeyesmiley - biggrin

Ex-Cider drinkers united

Post 144

loonycat - run out of fizz

Hmmmmm.... smiley - handcuffs wonder how these got here.

Now where's that roll of parcel tape? smiley - evilgrin

Ex-Cider drinkers united

Post 145

airscotia-back by popular demand

Crikey Loons, i said give me grief, not fuel my parcel tape related fantasies smiley - yikes Who knows where it could end smiley - bigeyes

Oddly..i'm sober smiley - erm

Ex-Cider drinkers united

Post 146

loonycat - run out of fizz

Parcel tape is fun. Double sided on the other hand is a bit tricky smiley - biggrin

Oops!! smiley - run

Ex-Cider drinkers united

Post 147

airscotia-back by popular demand

Steady woman, you're becoming all agitated smiley - bigeyes

Hey, double sided tape. Perfect chat up line.

"Fancy sticking around with me for a while?" smiley - rofl

Ex-Cider drinkers united

Post 148

loonycat - run out of fizz

Funny, I was smiley - coolsmiley - zen & collected when I arrived here.

Must be having one of those hot flushes smiley - flustered

Ex-Cider drinkers united

Post 149

airscotia-back by popular demand

It'll be your age dear.........I SAY, IT'LL BE YOUR AGE DEAR........YES.smiley - laugh

Either that or the strange power of Hootoo.smiley - erm

What's on for the weekend then Loons?

Ex-Cider drinkers united

Post 150

loonycat - run out of fizz

Well I obviously need to cool down a bit first & get this hot flush thing under control. smiley - laugh

Other than that just amusing myself & the young 'un, chores, shopping, that kinda thing.


Ex-Cider drinkers united

Post 151

airscotia-back by popular demand

Well, i'm glad you asked.smiley - laugh

I've actually got a rare weekend off.smiley - magic But as it's football season, most of it will be stood in a muddy field watching the little darlings hoofing a ball about.smiley - erm However, i have managed to get Sunday afternoon allocated to ten pin bowling, then into Pizza Hut for tea.smiley - ok
I've also got Moday off, and am planning to nap most of the day, and contemplate my belly button for the rest of it.smiley - laugh

Ex-Cider drinkers united

Post 152

loonycat - run out of fizz

No work? that's smiley - ok then smiley - smiley

Boys love playing in mud don't they? I pity the parents who have to wash the kit though smiley - groan

Us girls of course are squeaky clean little smiley - angelsmiley - angel

smiley - biggrin

Ex-Cider drinkers united

Post 153

airscotia-back by popular demand

I delegate kit washing duties to the mehmsab, as i'm allergic to all those nasty chemicals. (That's why i have to have my meals and cups of smiley - tea made for me too)smiley - tongueout

Squeaky clean????? Oh yeah that's right i forgot. You don't get caught do you smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

How do you keep junior amused in squeaky clean Southcoast world then? Is it still crochet lessons, songs around the pianoforte, and iced cakes for tea? smiley - laugh

Ex-Cider drinkers united

Post 154

loonycat - run out of fizz

Well, we sing sea shanties, mend fishing nets and go looking for cockles. smiley - laugh

It seems to be party season for 10 year olds at the moment so buying smiley - giftsmiley - gift & stuff in the morning. smiley - disco
Mostly she likes the outdoors when the weather's good otherwise filling the house up with Sylvanian creatures. smiley - erm

I'm just very good at covering my smiley - footprints

*gets out floor mop & bucket* smiley - biggrin

Ex-Cider drinkers united

Post 155

airscotia-back by popular demand

Ah those fish nets are always in need of repair.smiley - biggrin

Yeah at that age boys and girls are pretty similar. get out, screaming, yelling, filthy dirty........great fun smiley - laugh Shame they have to grow up.(girls i mean, boys NEVER grow up)smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

Hmmmmmm, you sound slightly misterious at times Loony, i think it's all that sea air. smiley - cool

Ex-Cider drinkers united

Post 156

loonycat - run out of fizz

That's why you enjoy digging up relics isn't it? Playing in the mud still at your age! smiley - biggrin

Bit of smiley - headhurts now. Catch you again soon smiley - smiley

Ex-Cider drinkers united

Post 157

airscotia-back by popular demand

Hope you're ok soon matey. hug

See ya soon, and have a super weekend. smiley - cheers

Ex-Cider drinkers united

Post 158

loonycat - run out of fizz

Did that mean you don't want to talk to me for the rest of the weekend? smiley - wah

Tough! smiley - tongueout

Hope your nice & dry now. Have a smiley - stiffdrink to ward off the shivers. smiley - smiley

Ex-Cider drinkers united

Post 159

airscotia-back by popular demand

smiley - laugh Cheers my dear......that smiley - stiffdrink is just what the smiley - doctor ordered.smiley - winkeye

I thought you might do your world famous disappearing act over the weekend that's all smiley - tongueout

So what DID you fill your day with then? Are we all shopped out of Sylvanian toys? smiley - laugh

Ex-Cider drinkers united

Post 160

loonycat - run out of fizz

Blimey, what didn't I do?

Shopped in town - walking both ways, bought new jeans smiley - ok, took daughter to party, mowed the lawn (rather soggy smiley - erm), wasted a half hour waiting to talk to BT, cleaned out guinea pig, hoovered. smiley - puff

Well you did ask! smiley - biggrin

If I'm world famous, you must be Mr Universe. smiley - laugh

What's the whinging thing about?

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