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Post 181

airscotia-back by popular demand

smiley - winkeye Vodka sampling is a cool hobby, you'll fit in well. smiley - winkeye

Erm......not having much sucess with the boots. It must be the colour.........have we got any purple ones? smiley - biggrin

Now. G string or Boxers you think for the new video? smiley - erm

Back stage area.

Post 182

loonycat - run out of fizz

You can borrow my purple boots if you can squeeze into a size 6. smiley - smiley

Um, go for the G-string - you know you want to smiley - winkeye
Can I be in the video too, pretty please? smiley - grovel

Back stage area.

Post 183

airscotia-back by popular demand

I walk badly enough in these boots as it is smiley - winkeye cramping them into those tiny little things isn't gonna help Kloons smiley - laugh
I don't know much about girly trotters, is size 6 tiny or huge? Same with clothes. When somebody says oooooh, i'm a size 37 you know, it means nothing at all to me smiley - erm

I was going to opt for the g-string for the video, but the lead singer has chosen that (he sulks you know)smiley - winkeye So it's either the C&A baggy boxers, or my crocodile skin posing pouch (teeth removed this time) smiley - yikes.....choices, choices. smiley - biggrin

You've asked so nicely, how can i refuse your request to be in the video? Now there are two female parts in the thing.

1) Long legged, blonde, tanned temptress who gets to snog the drummer all the way through.

2) An 'older' lady who comes in with an apron and baggy tights (think Nora Batty) and makes the tea for the band.

The choice is yours Kloons.smiley - ok

Oh, by the way..........Kate Moss is playing the first one. smiley - blush

Back stage area.

Post 184

loonycat - run out of fizz

smiley - huh
That's all you can offer after the things I've done for you? smiley - cross
The sheer dedication & hard work I put into creating your costume. Not to mention running around looking for replacement batteries for the kodpiece at all hours - how do you manage to wear them out so quickly? smiley - tongueout

You'll have to forget the posing pouch - I sold that on ebay yesterday for 500 nicker. So that leaves you with the C&A pants. Ms Moss will be very impressed with those won't she? smiley - laugh

Well, I hope you and that stick insect will be very happy together cos I QUIT! smiley - wah

*smiley - runs off to sell story to tabloids* smiley - evilgrin

Back stage area.

Post 185

airscotia-back by popular demand

smiley - bigeyes

Well.........that could have gone better.smiley - erm

Oh god, i'll have to beg her to come back now, she's got the keys to me Kod locker, i'm sunk without it. smiley - yikes

Cooooooooooeeeeeee Kloony. Would a pay rise and a night out with a rock star make you reconsider?smiley - laugh

Back stage area.

Post 186

loonycat - run out of fizz

Have to do better than that Kairy. I'm moving up in the Wardrobe Mistress world smiley - biggrin

Now if you don't mind I was in the middle of taking Mr Bon Jovi's inside leg measurements smiley - drool

Back stage area.

Post 187

airscotia-back by popular demand

Behave.......he's ancient. smiley - tongueout And short, you'll have to stand him on a box to do his vitals. smiley - laugh

*Adds random numbers to Kloony's mesurements*

That'll sort him out, he'll look like Jon Bon Ragdoll when he puts that lot on smiley - evilgrin

Back stage area.

Post 188

loonycat - run out of fizz

Hello again Kairy, please can I have my old job back? smiley - grovel

Seems Jon doesn't appreciate the purple satin look smiley - erm and he didn't really measure up to my expectations smiley - winkeye

Also I've got a bit of a confession - I took your spare kodpiece as a souvenir.

Back stage area.

Post 189

airscotia-back by popular demand

smiley - hug Welcome back to the fold Kloony. To tell you the truth, i missed you terribly, you're the best mistress i've ever had. smiley - kiss

Now you just sit there and decide what i should wear for our concert on 12th October, and i'll go and make you a nice cup of smiley - tea Hob Nob for dunking too i presume? If you prefer i could nip down the shops for a smiley - cake?

That Bon Jovi eh? smiley - rolleyes Doesn't know a good thing when he sees it, what's wrong with purple for a stageshow? smiley - winkeye

I've kicked the stick insect out of the video, you are now the sex mad ,glamourous bit of totty. Typecasting at all? smiley - biggrin It was the thought of you snuggling up to my cold Kod and missing me so much that softened my heart. smiley - whistle

Back stage area.

Post 190

loonycat - run out of fizz

Yippee! smiley - somersault I'm back smiley - biggrin

I wasn't gone that long really but it's nice to be missed. smiley - hug
I've brought the Kod back - it's still in almost perfect condition. smiley - laugh

I'll admit I only went to work for Mr Bon Jovi to retaliate over your stick insect but it kinda backfired didn't it? smiley - erm

Never mind smiley - tea & smiley - cake, let's have dinner at one of those posh restaurants. I hope you've got a better motor than the last one you took me out it. smiley - biggrin

Not sure I like the 'sex-mad' tag Kairy - where on smiley - earth did that come from? smiley - huh Perhaps I should tone things down a bit. Right, I'm off to find a sensible tweed skirt and brown lace up shoes smiley - winkeye
smiley - run

Back stage area.

Post 191

airscotia-back by popular demand

Oooooh, not the tweed and lace up shoes, it'll bring back memories of those cold lonely nights at boarding school with nothing to think of but matron, or cooks iced buns. smiley - bigeyes

smiley - cupcakesmiley - cupcake

The vamp bit was for the video only Kloons, obviously i would expect you to dress in your usual conservative manner at all other times. We have a reputation to protect......mine. smiley - tongueout Talking of image, i've bought this shocking pink jumpsuit in your absence......what do you think? Sending out the wrong vibes perhaps? smiley - erm

Ok we go out to dine then, my treat yeah? smiley - ok I'll get my driver to take us, we can both have a little drinkypoohs then smiley - winkeye I'll let you choose the venue, but i've heard Micheal Moore's has some fine reviews just now.The Ivy is ok, but we'd probably have to spend the night talking to all my rock and film mates. I'm sure that'd bore you no end smiley - yawn Oh, and we can't go to Gordon Ramseys'.......i told him his salad was limp.........he told me to smiley - bleepsmiley - bleep and never darken his door again smiley - blush
Up for clubbing afterwards?

Back stage area.

Post 192

loonycat - run out of fizz

Stop smiley - drooling over those buns Kairy!

I'm not entirely sure what kind of a message that pink jumpsuit gives out. smiley - erm But please don't wear it to dinner tonight!

Michael Moore's sounds fine smiley - smiley You know I like the odd smiley - bubbly or too but don't let me overdo it cos I have been known to dance on tables and shout rude things at innocent bystanders! smiley - blush

Bit of a dance afterwards would be great too smiley - ok

Well, I'd better go and make myself presentable - may take a while! smiley - laugh I've bought a new dress just for the occasion - sort of, I had it put on your account at Harrods smiley - biggrin

Sees ya later smiley - run

Back stage area.

Post 193

airscotia-back by popular demand

We could stay in. smiley - winkeye

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Post 194

loonycat - run out of fizz

I see smiley - bigeyes

What d'you suggest - monopoly or game of cards smiley - winkeye

Back stage area.

Post 195

airscotia-back by popular demand

Hmmmmmm, always a tricky call. Shall we have a smiley - bubbly and think about it? smiley - biggrin

Back stage area.

Post 196

loonycat - run out of fizz

Good thinking Kairy smiley - hug

As long as you're not trying to be a cheapskate by not taking me out smiley - biggrin

Back stage area.

Post 197

airscotia-back by popular demand

Oh no, not at all. smiley - winkeye

It's just that it's late, it's dark, and i'm pooped. smiley - yawn A few glasses of smiley - bubbly, and a roaring log fire sound much nicer smiley - biggrin

Back stage area.

Post 198

loonycat - run out of fizz

That sounds great but if you're that smiley - sleepy you'll be smiley - zzz in no time. smiley - winkeye

Shall I put a bit of music on ? smiley - musicalnotesmiley - smiley

(BTW my timing's rubbish isn't it? But I get up too early to stay smiley - erm)

Back stage area.

Post 199

airscotia-back by popular demand

Ah don't worry, it's still a larf, that's the main thing. smiley - winkeye

Now it's my turn to smiley - run though as i'm off to work smiley - wah I'll find out what music you put on later smiley - biggrin

Back stage area.

Post 200

loonycat - run out of fizz

W*rk is a very unwelcome 4 lettered word smiley - erm

See you later smiley - hug

200 posts! smiley - wow

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