Sandwiches: MOSTLY Harmless

Hello there! I (as I hope you all are) am an avid fan of H2G2, and I am also a member of ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha! LONG LIVE BEEBLEBEARS!

I would like to warn everyone to be VERY careful of sandwiches, as they can be EXTREMELY dangerous! Today, for example, I ate a ham, cheese, peanut butter, BBQ sauce, pickle, relish AND egg sandwich... I assure you it was VERY dangerous indeed, and my tastebuds require immediate medical attention and my tongue may need amputating! (Okay, so I'm only kidding)

But let this be a lesson to all of you: NEVER put more than 5 FILLINGS on your sandwiches, more may injure or even KILL YOU! (Okay, maybe not kill you...)

"Arthur Dent reconmends PERFECTLY NORMAL BEAST! Buy some today for YOUR sandwich!"

For more information, please see my article on sandwich fillings entitled "Sandwich Fillings", and feel free to comemnt on my journal items...

Thank you Douglas Adams, So long, and thanks for all the

>-)))> >-)))> >-)))>


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The Sandwich Maker

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