Sandwich fillings

1 Conversation

Sandwiches. Peanut Butter
They look harmless on the outside, but inside they can be more than "mostly" harmless...

I have, in the past year or so, experimented hugely with the fillings of sandwiches. These are the results of my research:

---------------------------WARNING! WARNING!-----------------------

The following information may put you off sandwiches for LIFE

(the Universe and Everything...)

SANDWICH FILLINGS are mostly harmless. The average cheese sandwich is very unlikely to kill, with a few exceptions:

1. It has been purchased from a sandwich shop;

2. It has been on the floor;

3. Your cat/younger sibling has chewed on it.

The first of these reasons is very simple - sandwich shop-bought sanwiches are very EVIL: the cheese tastes of leather and the bread is usually soggy; butter is often no where to be seen. However, it is when cheese is combined with at least five other fillings that sandwiches REALLY become vicious.

As I mentioned in the introduction to my personal space, cheese, ham, peanut butter, BBQ sauce, pickle and eggs will not only taste rather nasty - spoiling the overall effect of the sandwich - but will make you question whatever posessed you to make the sandwich in the first place. For this reason, this sort of sandwich is a waste of valuable sandwich-making resources, and should only be attempted by those [of us] with the strongest of stomachs and the strangest of minds

Thanks for reading my first article!

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