This is the Message Centre for zendevil
zendevil Posted Jun 13, 2003
Hi Fàdöôkié,
Yes, it's been ages!!!
Loads happened/happening; most of it you probably wouldn't want to know about.
Main hootoo relevance is I'm now doing a weekly column for "The Hootoo Home of Today"; this weeks is at A1076555 if you want to go & have a look.
So, what about you? last heard of diving I believe?
Fadookie the Froody- Veggie Poetry@A2248733 Posted Jun 14, 2003
I'm doing well! Most of all- I'm free!!!!
School's out!
I've recently been at the MatrixFans.Net forums a lot- plenty of cool and unusual stuff going on.
great stuff in
, quite witty. Love it!
zendevil Posted Jun 14, 2003
The "Free Fàdôökié" campaign worked!
Hey, do you still go in for the A to Z sentence thing? I enjoyed that! There are some word games in too, but I'm pretty busy these days.
Plus there's a Grateful Dead site here somewhere!
(but I reckon they're all off getting stoned at the moment, Dark Star crashes etc!)
Ta for the email!
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