This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

how dat haid ?

Post 1

kri stickle mass

hi bushy babes, hope you are not too dehydrated today. smiley - blue

last night was a nice end to a tumultuous week that was smiley - cool

smiley - love krissy kitty smiley - cat purrrr

how dat haid ?

Post 2


Hope you had a fabby weekend kris!

Mine was ... hmmm... throwaway! Can't remember much other than remembering that I always can't remember? Am I making sense yet? Give me 'til Wednesday at least.

Catch up soon!

how dat haid ?

Post 3

kri stickle mass

hi bushy darlin,

my weekend was interesting. in a way, i painted myself into a corner but i am good at waiting for paint to dry smiley - tongueout

i am a bit busy today but will try and pop in at lunchtime to see if there is some fun to be had,

smiley - love kris

how dat haid ?

Post 4


Painted into a corner? Sounds interesting ... Do reveal all at the first available moment!

how dat haid ?

Post 5

kri stickle mass

now i am grinning. i cannot bushy, i keep all my bizness to mahself till it is a done deal. (unless you know me well enough to know how to winkle things out of me smiley - cool

hope your mrs has let up on yuh now. smiley - bruisedsmiley - hug

smiley - tongueout

how dat haid ?

Post 6


Not very good at "winkleing" but I surmise, errorneously no doubt, that you want to tell me anyway else you would not have mentioned it in the first place ..?

Come on... Spill the beans afterall I admitted to being a numbskull withy my misses this weekend! Quid Pro Quo Clarice, Quid Pro Quo!!

Mrs Whack'd is fine now, erm... I think?

how dat haid ?

Post 7

kri stickle mass

no, you asked me and i tried to tell you without being too specific. smiley - tongueout

am glad you are re-instated with mrs. am glad i dont have to play those games (being in the wrong)

i dont tell my bizness in public. smiley - flyhi

will see you later, try not to get too steamed up about the boards. it isnt good for you at all bushy. be like me, semi-serious while always joking

smiley - cuddle

how dat haid ?

Post 8


Oh hum... My "little" attempt to draw you out was always doomed to failure I guess? No point in squeaking out a cry of "Yahoo!" I suppose in way of celebration?

Never any danger of Mrs Whack'd sustaining an attack for too long but, I think she gets somewhat frustrated with many of the idiotic ideas I appear to come up with ... Fair enough I suppose? All part of my attraction ... (or so I keep telling myself!)

how dat haid ?

Post 9

kri stickle mass

hey bushman smiley - tongueout

no woman wants a man who is tamed and housebroke, even if it is really annoying sometimes. smiley - silly you are great and you are probably incredibly infuriating at times too, sounds like fun and fireworks to me smiley - smiley i spect she'll not be thinking of swopping you jest yet, sweet lil soldier smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - boing

smiley - rose kris

how dat haid ?

Post 10


Oh ta very much micheline! You are too kind!!

how dat haid ?

Post 11

kri stickle mass

hi again, i am feeling so nice (just had bath). baths are great for relaxing one down.

you know i love this place bushy. only cos of the people here. you are one of course. 'sfunny, i saw your post above just before i went for a bath reminded me of someone else.

i think it is an impossible aim to consider one can disguise fully every single quirk of original characteristic response. unfortunately there are too many variables and common standard approaches so i have put them thoughts awa smiley - zen.

anyway, just wanted to say how much i love having this place to come to.

smiley - rose kris

how dat haid ?

Post 12


Nice to read a happy smiley response like that!

So who do I remind you of and why? You are pretty much unique and I cannot think of anyone you remind me of at all but I suspect that this is an entirely good thing isn't it?

Keep bouncing your little gems off me, I enjoy it immensely!

how dat haid ?

Post 13

kri stickle mass

i am still busy and the boards are awful - have to dash, i think we spark up well, see you in the morning bushy smiley - cuddle

happy kris smiley - rose

how dat haid ?

Post 14

kri stickle mass

hey bush bubbkins smiley - biggrin

hope you are happy enough today smiley - hug forget the remind me thing, i am learning about the finer levels of personality dynamics - just ignore me there smiley - tasmiley - tongueout

smiley - tongueout

i wish i had time to play and stingflick your ear a little bushy but i am on a tight schedule till the weekend. smiley - zen i am not going to use the message boards unless they are moving freely and i also watched bb last night to see if there was anything entertaining enough yet but it was pathetic again except for i like melinda and mark the best, they are the sweetest.

les dennis is such a piece of silly crap. i dont see there being anyting in the way of extraordinary in view. i will wait for you to tell me when to watch from now on.

luv kris smiley - rose

how dat haid ?

Post 15


I am so embarrassed! After extolling the virtues of sad programme I have not even bothered to watch. Do you think they are all vile and/or vaccuous? How does this affect your view of so called "celebrity"?

I just like seeing people with over inflated egos having their bubble burst occasionally. A nice slice of cold reality never did anyone any harm!

how dat haid ?

Post 16

kri stickle mass

dont get me wrong here bushy, i was looking to see the worse side of human nature too. smiley - biggrin

i probably would have enjoyed the jungle one.

yeah that's good innit ? tell me to watch something and then dont bother to watch it. is that vicarious living???? smiley - doh

smiley - hug

kris smiley - rose

how dat haid ?

Post 17


No it's just that I flit from topic to topic like a derranged bee!

Would you like a hump outside of your house by the way?

how dat haid ?

Post 18

kri stickle mass

you shoul not remind me of all the outrageous places i have encountered humps.

outside my house?......course, it is easy when you live in the cuntry rofl. o i should grow up smiley - tongueout

anyway, i have a particularly outrageous true life story for yuh if you fancy something funny to perk you up smiley - cool

smiley - rose kris

how dat haid ?

Post 19


Lay it on me Sister!

how dat haid ?

Post 20

kri stickle mass

ok den bushman

well.....this friend of mine (same one i always tell about) and her fiancee were sailing one time few years back. they sailed from the coast up here down round beachy head and eventual destination was brighton along the south coast.

it was summer, beautiful weather, clear blue sky, sun beaming down and wind about 1 mph. they set their sail and autopilot and did what they usually did throughout the journey whenever there was nothing to do smiley - tongueout (or else they cooked and ate) was such a lovely day and no boats in sight so arrgh...i dont know how to describe this bit but i must remember it is my friend not me...tut ...she is shocking.

so her fiancee was sitting down and she merrrily jumped astride his lap, and there they were, going at it like the clappers i imagine and totally nude of course, had a rip-roaring time and when the waves had subsided her man went downstairs to cook smiley - biggrin while she adjusted the sail a bit and just generally soaked up even MORE sun. next thing she looks on the horizon and there is a hi-speed boat making a direct beeline for their boat. she squeals to her mate "throw me some knickers" and the next thing mate downstairs is hailed on the radio, boat quite near at this point. my friend had dived down below at this point.

well, apparently, the area of water close to shore just round beachy head is off-limits because it falls within the firing range of the army base there. they had had to halt the whole exercise, all the soldiers had us in their sights i expect, and radio the boat to come and deal with us. funny thing is, boat didnt appear till we i mean my friend and her fella had finished, 'sfunny that. we werent in trouble, they just wanted to let us know we had stopped the whole army. smiley - biggrin

ok then it was me really, it still makes me squeal inside when i think of the full truth of it. i just have to laugh.

i will tell you another story about my friend another day bushy

smiley - rose kris

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