This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

hey swanky boy !! :-P

Post 41


click on my name and look for 'entheogens and experience'

golly bushy, dont get your swanky knickers in a twist smiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - cuddle. i am not doing the typical female thing of setting you up so i can blame you for everything (although i did do that to alistair while you were away and he is now the culprit if my new car doesnt work out heh heh heh)

just thought you might have a comment or two seeing as it is an area of expertise of yours or should that be you are a 'specialist'? you decide

smiley - tickle

hey swanky boy !! :-P

Post 42


Oi Mrs!! You leave my swanky knickers out of this ...

I'll have a quick "butchas" now!

hey swanky boy !! :-P

Post 43


Very good anti-drugs spiel I would say but you fail to give any indication of what may replace said "highs". Also, you might consider that a drug induced reality may in fact be the true reality. Using your own logic, nobody can actually say what is and what is not real can they?

You are giving a valid opinion very eloquently if I may say so but with no empirical evidence.

I liked reading it!

hey swanky boy !! :-P

Post 44


bushy, there is a principle involved in my thread that has escaped you yet again.

the only way to find out what something does is to test it. one does this by firstly being very stable and balanced in oneself, which requires discipline.

if you have a clean system and a grounded equilibrium, you know yourself very well. i happen to have this awareness heightened by the work i perform, cos i need to know what is me and what is not me.

when i test a substance, i know what it is doing, i am so aware of my 'head space' (if you like)... if you are constantly disrupting your reality with whacking great hits or with regular whacks of substance, then you will not have the sensitivity or groundedness to know the full effect of the substance, and the change it has created in your mental dynamics and your experiential knowing.

remember how old i am and that i have had experience with hallucinogens (lsd, mescaline, peyote, psilicibin) (quite a bit maybe approaching 70 - 100) ( i am very old smiley - doh) as well as have smoked pot regularly for about 15 years.

there is nothing wrong with using natural substances (i didnt condemn opium although i believe it is a very high risk substance to use) they can be helpful to us in lots of ways. they can open our minds to something undiscovered or cloak our discomfort and allow creative flow.... lots of things bushy. i am not anti-drugs, i am anti-stupidity-in-taking-drugs

i totally understand someone like george best, when he says he reaches a place with people and booze that isnt accessible to him any other way. but his problem was he couldnt control his intake, and it created havoc and chaos in his life and the lives of those who loved him. he was stupid, there was only one answer and he never stuck with it long enough to get to the place he loved by natural means.

you can build a permanent ground of peace if you organise yourself intelligently and dont do drugs for any negative reasons but perceive them as useful, in the same way a swim in a blue sea under a blue sky with a golden sun beating down on you is useful. smiley - zen

you are a chemical unit and everything is interrelated. change one part of the whole and the rest will follow. you can do drugs and do natural things too and have everything !!!!! (but not if you do substances stupidly)

is that better bushbaby?

hey swanky boy !! :-P

Post 45


You've said almost exactly the same thing I think?

Your basic message is do as you like but don't abuse? Pretty sensible advice I would say if not a little obvious. Explain what these "higher places" are that you are alluding to throughout your notes. You never explicity say what you do, how you do it, how it works, why it works etc. Metaphorical posturing is pleasing to read but where are you going with this? What are you getting at other than making an altruitic gesture in the form of advice based on your own previous experiences?

I cannot disagree with the manner in which you wrapped this central theme, you have done your research on scientific theory and practise I suspect?

hey swanky boy !! :-P

Post 46


bushy, arent you glad i am so patient and good smiley - angel

stop thinking you know what i am saying. i am sharing observation and knowledge which comes from accessing higher realms of operation of the body. these are not magic or mystical but real, just not scientifically measureable cos the humans system is a complexity and our own system is the instrument which is fitted to register. i am not speaking of judging words and concepts,. i am expert in reading within the energy fields. accept it or not, have a session with me and experience the truth of what i say for yourself. watch me work and see people change dynamically in front of your eyes, without this higher skill i would be just a bog standard osteopath, masseur.

my skill developed wholesomely because i did not pursue a commercial line. stop questioning my word here please bushy, you pipsqueak smiley - tongueoutsmiley - cuddle, i succeed with all the nhs failures..repeat, i succeed with all the nhs failures that come to me. not cos they are nuts but because i am so good at what i do. the quality of the work i do is top level, if it werent i would say so and still be striving.

it is a condition of skill, i have broken through imposed boundaries, there is no 'not knowing' now. everything i do is natural and merely an amplification of what already is within normal daily life. i am highly trained, i am submitted to this discipline wherein my skill developed. highly bound in ethics and without corruption. what do you expect?

use drugs by all means just make sure you are not in error in your thinking with regard to them and what THEY do. start believing in yourself and that drugs merely enhance aspects of yourself and then you will not think it wise to obliterate the personality and produce stupidity. how can doing or saying things you regret be good in any way? i was trying to emphasise and impress upon the reader the fact of the utter stupidity of doing the equivalent of pouring clorox on your beautifully tended orchids. that beauty needs a cherished environment to emerge and manifest, to develop to that level of a plants potential. the higher realms of thought (and being) are the same.

i trust everything you say bushy. it is a waste of time to share my understanding with you if you do not offer me the same level of respect. i believe what you say and let any inconsistencies arise without questioning your basic honesty toward me. i would ask you to explain better.

so....smiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueout

smiley - tongueout

and another smiley - tongueout

smiley - love kris

hey swanky boy !! :-P

Post 47


Can I get some of that s**t you're smoking by any chance kris?

hey swanky boy !! :-P

Post 48


hey there mrs doc - your imagination knows no bounds!!!

mmmm just admiring your step-over leglock. do you have the piledriver in your repertoire??? smiley - tongueout

come over and have a toke anytime doc.

smiley - tickle kris smiley - rose

hey swanky boy !! :-P

Post 49


Ta kris! Top Girl!

Piledriver? Hmmm... Bit old for all that wrestling stuff I'm afraid these days my dear.

hey old boy !! :-P

Post 50


bushy darlin, can you please make up your mind how old you are...smiley - tongueout

you call me 'my dear' (like an old un) and say you cant wrestle anymore, are you older than me or in your early thirtes like i think ? (anyone who gets as hammered as possible has got to be under 33)

i couldnt remember many other moves, half nelson and the boston crab is the only other two that spring to mnd. have you ever had boston clam chowder???

smiley - biggrinsmiley - hug

Krissy missy smiley - rose

hey old boy !! :-P

Post 51


I am 33! How clever of you kris.

I do tend to bandy around various descriptions and greetings a bit don't I? Sorry if it offends, I don't mean too ...

Boston Clam Chowder makes me vomit. I have "tried" it twice thinking I may have been too hasty in my initial assessment of said product I was dismayed to discover that I was right first time! It's filth and should be banned!

hey old boy !! :-P

Post 52


hi bushy,

you great beefy brigandish bouncer of a beautiful very big baby boy smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh i make allowances for your youth youngster smiley - tongueout and admire the way you practise sounding older

smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - boing

smiley - tickle dont mind me, just feel like giving someone a big tickle. thanks for being 'it' lovely bushy

smiley - love kris smiley - zen (to the power of 42)

hey old boy !! :-P

Post 53


LO kris! You changed your login again???

A very happy New Year to you!! Please, no more tickling, I'm very ticklish indeed!

hey bushy bushy bang bang!! :-P

Post 54


smiley - tickle lol

glad to know that, tickling is a woman's best weapon smiley - snowball

hey bushy, missed your brashiosity smiley - tongueout glad you had a good break with minimal hurl-time

smiley - love kris smiley - rose

hey bushy bushy bang bang!! :-P

Post 55


What is brashiosity?

Did you have a nice holiday or have I asked that already?

hey bushy bushy bang bang!! :-P

Post 56


hi bushy - yes you did mate smiley - tongueoutsmiley - hug

thank god it is monday and no more holidays for a bit. had a wunnerful wunnerful time and am champing at the bit. loads going on and very exciting challenges - have missed you and your bull headed approach bushy rofl. hope your household is a thriving affair as we teeter on the brink of 03

smiley - love kris smiley - zen

hey bushy bushy bang bang!! :-P

Post 57


Hmmm... Back at work, loads to do for degree by end of month, legal wrangles with ex about money and on patches for smoking!!

Yep, top o' the world and life is for living!

Looking forward to '03 and hope you are too!!!


P.S. Why are you up so early?

hey bushy bushy bang bang!! :-P

Post 58


cue son clattering through kitchen at 4 am (he went to bed early due to overindulgence previous evening of 3 hamburgers and 4 cheesburgers and a medium fries and bed within 30 mins).

i never wrangled with either of my exes - i didnt ask either of them for money so there was no fight. i dont fight over money.

congrats on patch thing. i do believe it is the better way but two people i know at present are giving it up and both (male and female) have reported unaccustomed crying. i am not asking if you have, just letting you know it seeems to be part of it so not to take any notice but laugh at yourself while you are doing it cos it is the result of chemical gymnastics within the bodies intelligence system's reconstituting mechanisms smiley - tongueout.

smiley - cuddle cos i missed ya

kris smiley - rose

hey bushy bushy bang bang!! :-P

Post 59


Not me wrangling as such but my Mother is spitting feathers about this latest "demand" whereas I'd sooner pay up and move on ...

I am right in the middle of the coughing stage (apparently this is common when giving up?) but I just got to a stage where I really do not enjoy it anymore! Have sacked the weed as well until I have conquered the nicotine! Going ok at the moment and I can success somewhere down the line. Hopefully my squash will improve as well?

What are you up to at the moment? (Not this very minute but in general!)

hey bushy bashy ball boy!! :-P

Post 60


your squash will be the talk of the town smiley - tongueout

i have really got a lot of projects on but on a personal level - this year i am going to have more sex than i have had in the last 10 years put together - i am talking a lot of sex here smiley - yikes

i am really serious. i dedided it would be a good experiment and in february i can check how much difference my 'soon to be on sale' aphrodisiac cream for women is. smiley - devil

i am happy to send market samples to friends for market testing and no in depth questionnaire goes along with it. let me know if you want to one for mrs. bushy to try (word of caution - do not know the effect on oral apparatus so advise restraint in this arena) smiley - tongueout

any other questions bushy bubs?

kris smiley - rose

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