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hey bushy bashy ball boy!! :-P

Post 61


Erm... Might I ask why you need a "preparation" to attract potential partners?

Think I'll leave your most gracious offer for the time being but many thanks for thinking of me!

hey bushy bashy ball boy!! :-P

Post 62


you should always read my posts twice. smiley - tongueout
i don't need a preparation - i appear to be well stocked with pheromones and am frequently amazed at how often it appears to be working (unbeknownst to me)smiley - yikessmiley - blush

i am hoping to make ooodles of cash on the preparation but in order to do that i have to test it and in order to do that i have to do the control group first (sex without cream) then in february, i will see what diff if any the cream makes and if there is no discernible difference i wont continue with the cream project but probably will continue with the rampant sex smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - cupid

yup, hormones are wonderful things are so cheaply produced and so amazing the way they enable intense pleasure states.

it wasnt a kind offer, it was a sticking my tongue out at yuh offer. wooohooo, bowyer has bounced outta the leeds camp. happy days are here again smiley - musicalnote the sky is blue and clear again smiley - musicalnoteand the sun is shining through again happy days are here again.smiley - musicalnote

smiley - devilkrissmiley - rose

hey bushy bashy ball boy!! :-P

Post 63


Oh how odd! Never had you down for a tacky little capitalist! I imagined a far more altruistic motive for your venture into the "sex creme" business?

Yes, very good news that that little scrote is finally out of Leeds! Poor old West Ham will now have to put up him and his moronic antics. A very good player, conceded, but personally I would not give the horrible little runt the time of day!

Nice to hear you happy and smily all the time. It keeps a smile on my mug as well, thanks!

hey bushy bashy ball boy!! :-P

Post 64


glad to hear that especially in view of the fact that i modded myself from telling you how dismaying it is when animals also get full on erections when i talk to them. (not always - the most scary was the horse)

hey bushy bashy ball boy!! :-P

Post 65


dr kris doolittle?

hey bushy bashy ball boy!! :-P

Post 66



dr kris baretout, surtout, essayertout (or maybe that was assayertout)

tou many touts spoil the froth smiley - silly

tacky little capitalist? - bothered ! rofl smiley - tongueout

smiley - cuddle kris smiley - rose

hey bushy bashy ball boy!! :-P

Post 67


Oops! I see that you were bothered. Apologies, I was only teasing ...

hey bushy bashy ball boy!! :-P

Post 68


morning bushy boy !

i saw a pic of someone i imagined to be a boy yesterday (AGE 28) and was shocked to see a picture of a man looking man !!! whatever is happening to my world bushy? - that means you might actually be a man not a boy too smiley - yikes

however, it is easier to stay on top of you if i maintain the illusion of your boyhood. smiley - bleepsmiley - boing

ok sonny, get on with that revision RIGHT NOW !!!!!

hey bushy bashy ball boy!! :-P

Post 69


Another eclectic mixture of a post from kris? Is there a suitable response I wonder ...

I fear not and that's why I like you!!

To allay your fears, I do not have a beard, glasses, comb over and numerous liver spots nor do I wear Old Spice, Farrah slacks and a sensible shirt!!

I'm swatting away like mad for this bloody test at end of month and having thought of myself as fairly good at Maths (I know differential calculus, trigonometry etc...) I have discovered I am missing out big style!! I'll get Log Book shall I?

hey bushy bashy ball boy!! :-P

Post 70


To allay your fears, I do not have a beard, glasses, comb over and numerous liver spots nor do I wear Old Spice, Farrah slacks and a sensible shirt!!

c'mere bushy smiley - devilsmiley - tongueout

not really, i am practising for my new role smiley - tongueoutsmiley - smooch


smiley - steam oi stop laughing !!!smiley - boing

hey bushy bashy ball boy!! :-P

Post 71


A "vamp"? Is that what Germans drive their cars onto get new exhausts?

always look on the bright si-de of life de dum

Post 72


bushter - you are soooooo informed. smiley - pirate
smiley - schooloffish

anyway, after typing that i remembered i don't have to vamp it up
because of my pheromones smiley - wowsmiley - blushsmiley - tongueout

carry on with your revision then smiley - tongueoutsmiley - boingsmiley - biggrin

smiley - love kris smiley - rose

always look on the bright si-de of life de dum

Post 73


Revision going ok at mo! Got a boost last night at tutorial by plucking some facts, figures and formulae I had not realised I knew ... It's always like this at the start! You wonder "why bother?" but keeping an end-game in mind, namely passing the exams, helps to focus the attention!

How are you today?

always look on the bright si-de of life de dum

Post 74


so on the up side of up bushman smiley - wow

i counted up my bunnies last night and i have made one thousand four hundred and sixty squids worth in the last two months. smiley - angel

today i am taking some bits and pieces to the auctions rooms and next wednesday i will be going to watch them sold off - will dickie be there i wonder smiley - boing variety is the spice of life and i dont need no earth grown condiments

so glad you are getting along 'swell' with your studies (please dont mind me i am peppering my speech with falyk references to assist my pheromones smiley - devil

soooo.........smiley - wow stud-ent!! you really *stuck it to them* in class yesterday by penetrating the nether regions of your engorged mind's private parts and ejaculating the required material in several self-surprising strokes smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

how'd i do?? was that stimulating or what ? smiley - boing rofl

smiley - zen micky the monkey smiley - rose

always look on the bright si-de of life de dum

Post 75


have you recovered from my first practice at being 'vampy' yet ???

smiley - tongueout kris smiley - rose

always look on the bright si-de of life de dum

Post 76


When was that exactly kris?

always look on the bright si-de of life de dum

Post 77


lol i really like your charm bushy, not to mention your THRUST and parry smiley - biggrin rofl

ok then - it didnt really happen, smiley - cupid too dangerous to let any of my high octance turbo charged vamposity on here bushy, smiley - magicsmiley - rocket oooooo no. smiley - tongueout

i worked out why i dont truly flirt (although sometimes that can be a fine balance and one falls off it). because then you can play and play and there is never an endgame in sight. a continuum, never ending moves, cos really, why bother to try and get somewhere - you could miss where you might be going with the person you are taking a ride with.

look after cg and go get that ol meany that's attacking her. it is not to be allowed. i have to go do stuff,

smiley - love kris smiley - rose

always look on the bright si-de of life de dum

Post 78


Ok kris, have a jolly nice day!

Not sure if my "blasting" James Carr is a really good idea, when clearly he won't take out his annoyance on me but CG herself??? Perhaps the others and me should back off him altogether? He's obviosuly somewhat odd or perhaps obsessive is a better word?

Who knows eh? The Internet I have quickly noticed is presenting allsorts of very interesting communication scenarios and their related problems!!


always look on the bright si-de of life de dum

Post 79


hiya - i didnt get out yet, had time to look at the stuff written on mc-h after i signed off last night and i can see that cg was really rattled and i dont care what the bagstuds name is or has been or how funny he might have been the point is that either he, or someone pretending to be him is abusing cg.

whoever it was has invaded cg's privacy and caused her disquiet. she has picked up some kind of sick stalker bushy. i am just asking you to watch out for her and call it like it is on mc-h - i dont go on there cos i dont have so much time and i am not smart enough. you do it. i do plenty already. i am relying on you to look after cg

smiley - love and smiley - hug kris (aka big bad mitch

always look on the bright si-de of life de dum

Post 80


la le la le la le laaaa la le la la laaaa la smiley - musicalnote

smiley - whistlesmiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wow

la la le la le la le laa smiley - musicalnotesmiley - flyhismiley - laughsmiley - laugh

smiley - cheerssmiley - wowsmiley - flyhi

smiley - cuddlesmiley - cool

smiley - tongueoutsmiley - magic

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