The World Through the Eyes of a Pacifist

How many times have you asked yourself the question,"How many monkeys belong in a barrel to have fun?" Or better yet,"What is the purpose of shooting fish in the same barrel? Don't the monkeys have to go in after an have fun?" You don't ask yourself these questions? Well why not? They're perfectly sound and logical interrogations upon ones psyche and subconscious. Think about it. Why do triggers aspire to be "hair"? Why not just say,"Yes, breathing upon this firearm will make it go off." I have you thinking now, yes! Good, because I would like a full on report on the things that you think about such as these that I've given. I have quite a bit more, indeed I do, but I'm not going to give them all away in the first intro I ever do to this wonderful site that I feel someone should have given me an engraved invitation to. To think, the closest thing to the true guide that we have so far, sorta. I wonder when the BBC is going to decide to just buy the entire web and make it a free domain of info, instead of having to pay every other site to get in. It t'would be nice it t'would! Besides the BBC with their hostile take over of the net (I've changed my mind, it's hostile now, not gentle) I think that the world would be a better place if we could all just sit down and talk about cup cakes. Becuase, yes, you may feel a bit silly at first, but you can't help but to feel better about everything after you've talked about a nice warm chocolate cup cake and a nice glass of milk.


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What about the little blades of grass? Oct 21, 2002 No Replies


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