If You're In New Orleans

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There are many of you out there that are wondering *I know you are, don't deny it* "What do I do when/if I go to New Orleans, LA, USA?" Well the answer is simple. Do what you feel may be fun, or look at the things that other people are doing that may seem fun to you, and then do it. Simple enough, so it seems. But for as long as I have been here, people keep asking me,"What is there to do while we're here? We're from London/Islington/Paris/Egypt/Mars, and we are just perplexed as to what to do in a city such as this." I look at them and then point them to the nearest bar. A bar is a good place to start. Many a good nights will start off in a bar in New Orleans. Many for me have started off in bars, and usually ended up envolving the police or trying not to envolve the police. That may not seem very fun to some of you, but you have to think upon this... Drinking in the street is legal, nudism in the French Quarter is legal, smoking marijuana in the French Quarter is legal as long as it doesn't start a fight. Almost everything is legal there. And when you defend your car from being towed one night at roughly 3 a.m. after a night of getting really very smashed, the cops get upset. So in conclusion (a)find a bar, (b)find a really good restaurant *mine, www.kelseysrest.com *, (c)try not to get towed.
If there is any more that you would like to learn from my infinite fountain of knowledge, visit my personal space and drop me a lil note, or email me at [email protected].


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