This is the Message Centre for Stealth "Jack" Azathoth
"cutie 10+"
Stealth "Jack" Azathoth Started conversation Jul 10, 2004
This is me at
I'm finding it quite an addictive site... You just follow links to all these painfully attractive people profiles and rate them out of ten [well 19 as you can give an extra half point.]
Currently I’m on just over 6/10 what gets me is the not that some people have rated me low, I expect that, as I am ugly. But that people keep giving me “Cutie *10*” type messages, I mean no-way am I a ten in million years. So is this pity or some kind of thank you for giving them a high score or are people hoping to get me to give them a high or higher score?
Another thing that shocks me is that people actually pay good money to go on this ego trip! Unless I've missed something and these so called battles are being played out for prizes.
Anyway if you have the time and inclination [i.e. boredom] put you pic up and rate me 10!
"cutie 10+"
Researcher 556780 Posted Jul 10, 2004
It's prolly a lil of everything, first impression, a thank you and hoping you'll give em a higher score too.
That's not a bad thing
175 IQ...*cor* I'm as thick as two short planks, I did an iq test not so long back and well, it's nothing worth writing home about
If you want me to rate your face, I'm sorry, no can do
I will say your not ugly and you will always see yourself differently from the way others see you. Ever listened to your voice on an answerphone or recorded it on a stereo? Its that type of thing...
"cutie 10+"
Stealth "Jack" Azathoth Posted Jul 10, 2004
I was joking about the joining up and giving me a high score. I haven't had an IQ test in years... well not a proper standardised one. I got that score of a 172 when I was nought but a wee bairn.
I like the way that my voice sounds in my head, when I hear it back though it makes me cringe, it's horrible.
"cutie 10+"
hellboundforjoy Posted Jul 10, 2004
Stealth, OMG, you have got it all wrong. You are totally cutie +10 all the way and I mean that. I do not lie. Unfortunately I cannot get on to vote cause "my browser is out of memory" or something. I will bookmark your page and go vote when I figure out how to fix my memory problem.
"cutie 10+"
Stealth "Jack" Azathoth Posted Jul 13, 2004
No. I am ugly. Look at the other picture of me with Robert, it shows my ugliness better than the main photo.
"cutie 10+"
hellboundforjoy Posted Jul 13, 2004
*dutifully looks again*
Nope, not ugly either way. Verdict is still cutie+10. Even wearing the spaghetti strainer.
"cutie 10+"
Stealth "Jack" Azathoth Posted Jul 13, 2004
If I wasn't so ashamed of the way I look I would put a picture of me in profile up and then there'd be disputing that I am disgusting and ugly.
It's not a spaghetti strainer it's a foil hat that Robert had me war to ptotect me from aliens mind control... You had to be at the convention to understand that one
"cutie 10+"
Snailrind Posted Jul 14, 2004
Hello. Just been lurking your page, and then I took a look at your picture. I see that some people have already given their reasons for voting for you: some for your looks and others for traits like your intellect, humour, pathos and (I wish to add) poetic streak.
I don't know what you mean by ugly, but then I find looks difficult to judge from photos: I need to be able to see people moving. In the main pic, you have nice eyes (dark lashes are always a winner) and a really friendly, attractive, lit-up kind of smile. The other pic appears to have been taken with a flash, which has flattened your features and done something weird to Robert's eyebrows. Still, I see no obvious abnormality. You just look Welsh to me. (Then again, commiserations on that front.
Don't you find that people get better-looking the more you like 'em, and that looks can grow on you or diminish depending on how a person behaves?
You can take this as rhetorical if you like: who told you that you're hideous? Might they have had their own personal reasons for saying it? (You point me at em--I'll sort 'em out!
"cutie 10+"
Stealth "Jack" Azathoth Posted Jul 14, 2004
'Don't you find that people get better-looking the more you like 'em, and that looks can grow on you or diminish depending on how a person behaves?'
I find that how I'm attrcated to a person personality can affect how attracted I am to them on there looks.
"cutie 10+"
hellboundforjoy Posted Jul 15, 2004
I'm very ashamed of my appearance too Stealth. I'm having a very hard time accepting "positive feedback" regarding my appearance from K (whom you've seen mentioned in my journal) I think I look like a chimpanzee especially in profile. Plus of course there's no disputing I'm fat. But the chimpanzee thing really gets me.
I had a really wierd experience because of it once though. I was looking at myself in the mirror with out my glasses on and let my eyes go out of focus. When that happened I felt like I was looking at someone else all together and she looked even more apelike. I imagined that she was my great-times-10-to-the-something-power-grandmother. An ancient proto human ancestor. It was a wierdly powerful imagining. It has helped me somehow to be more at ease with my appearance.
You on the other hand do not look the least bit apelike. The belief that you have the you are ugly is distorted. I can't see your profile of course but I am quite certain that it is just as adorable as your face from the front.
"cutie 10+"
Steph~ "Yeah, we only want a beat that we can drum to" Posted Jul 16, 2004
What have I said from the first time you sent me a pic?? You are ADORABLE! And now other people are saying the same thing. So grrr, and you're not ugly!
"cutie 10+"
Keseral - lost... Posted Jul 16, 2004
I will have too see that later at home, because it is blocked in school as "adult content" (which surely just means that it cointains adults... hmm...)
"cutie 10+"
Steph~ "Yeah, we only want a beat that we can drum to" Posted Jul 16, 2004
*waves enthusiastically back*
"cutie 10+"
Stealth "Jack" Azathoth Posted Jul 19, 2004
I really can't stand seeing my body's reflection, especially side on, nor my head in profile for that matter. I can just about accept my face, though I hate my babboon like nose, it huge and hideous. I look like a Neaderthal.
Key: Complain about this post
"cutie 10+"
- 1: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Jul 10, 2004)
- 2: Researcher 556780 (Jul 10, 2004)
- 3: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Jul 10, 2004)
- 4: hellboundforjoy (Jul 10, 2004)
- 5: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Jul 13, 2004)
- 6: hellboundforjoy (Jul 13, 2004)
- 7: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Jul 13, 2004)
- 8: Snailrind (Jul 14, 2004)
- 9: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Jul 14, 2004)
- 10: Snailrind (Jul 15, 2004)
- 11: hellboundforjoy (Jul 15, 2004)
- 12: Steph~ "Yeah, we only want a beat that we can drum to" (Jul 16, 2004)
- 13: Keseral - lost... (Jul 16, 2004)
- 14: Researcher 556780 (Jul 16, 2004)
- 15: Steph~ "Yeah, we only want a beat that we can drum to" (Jul 16, 2004)
- 16: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Jul 19, 2004)
- 17: hellboundforjoy (Jul 19, 2004)
- 18: hellboundforjoy (Jul 19, 2004)
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