This is the Message Centre for Stealth "Jack" Azathoth


Post 1

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

A girl, while at the funeral of her mother, met a guy whom she did not know.
She thought this guy was amazing. She believed him to be her sould mate, the man of her dreams, the one she was destined to be with.She thought she'd faalen in love with right there at her mother's grave.
There was a snag, she hadn't asked his name or gotten his number.
She tried to find him but could not.

Interestiingly within a week her sister was murdered.

So, who killed the sister and why?


Post 2

Researcher 1463359

Ooh I know this one! Do you want me to blurt it out or leave you a message in secret?


Post 3

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

I really ought to have learned to preview my post by now... I 've been on this site for 3 years now.

Fire away with your theory, you mightn't be as right as yopu think.
I think the question is interesting, hopefully other people with opine upon it.


Post 4

Steph~ "Yeah, we only want a beat that we can drum to"

She did. It was her sister's boyfriend.....


Post 5

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

A little background on this question...
It was purported to be a real question used by a US psychologist to determine psychopathic tendecies in patients...
This was untrue.
Whoever came up with it originally didn't understand what a sociopath is.


Post 6

Steph~ "Yeah, we only want a beat that we can drum to"

So was I right? Or are you not going to tell me?


Post 7

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

It's not the answer that one is 'meant' to come up with, no.


Post 8

Steph~ "Yeah, we only want a beat that we can drum to"

oh.... I don't have anything else then...


Post 9

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

If question were genuinly valid you could comfort yourself by being safe in the knowledge that you don't think like a psycopath... only that's nonsense.


Post 10

Steph~ "Yeah, we only want a beat that we can drum to"

Are you implying I have psychopathic tendencies??? *raises her eyebrow and smiles*


Post 11

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Not at all.
You're jibbering psychotic with a fondness for matches and shiney things that go "bang".


Post 12

Steph~ "Yeah, we only want a beat that we can drum to"

*rocks back and forth in her corner*


Post 13

Milla, h2g2 Operations

smiley - starShe kills her sister, to make the dude come to the next funeral, and then she can chat him up.
smiley - evilgrin

smiley - towelMilla


Post 14

Researcher 556780

I'm with Milla smiley - evilgrin

smiley - laugh


Post 15

Steph~ "Yeah, we only want a beat that we can drum to"

Milla may be right.... if she is I WAS close then....


Post 16

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Well no one in their right mind would do such a thing, would I? smiley - whistle Even if I was a psycopath, the risk of being caught is bigger than the benefit of a new boyfriend... And just because I'm a psychopath, it doesn't have to mean I'm stupid?smiley - weird

*asks imaginary friend if I'm right or if I'm right*

smiley - towel


Post 17


Yours is a great answer, Milla! If it's right, I'd have thought the question would be more about testing to see if someone's a comedian.


Post 18

~*}Black Angel{*~

smiley - erm Maybe the guy at the funeral was a serial killer, and the reason she didnt know him was because he wasnt related smiley - huh and then he killed the sister because he was a raving lunatic?

I think Milla's answer is more likely smiley - erm


Post 19

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

A perfectly valid theory from the black angel there.
Of course the answer one is meant to give is Milla's.
It a bit of a leading question really, playing to stereotypes and misconceptions.
A person with psycopathic traits would have been more likely to kill her sister for the inheritence. A psycopath would have been bold enough to chat-up the man at the funeral.
It take normal reasoning, not the twisted rational of a psycopath to arrive at the answer... And yes, being a psycopath or a psychotic doesn't make you stupid. Quite often the opposite.

Like Snailrind, I thought the question and premise were rather amusing.


Post 20


Do keep us posted if you come across any other titbits like that, won't you?

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