Waiting for the end of the universe? Me too

Hello fellow hitchhkers. You may call me Flip, like all my friends do. Well, I just joined the guide and I must say I am impressed to say the least. I will constantly be writing and doing my part to update the guide, I offer quite a bit of introspective thought and also a bit on the strange side. My theory for life is "Cents is something the U.S. mint makes, not me!" So that should give you an idea on how my mind works, bear in mind I refuse to do stories that make sense, i might pick things like strawberries, a chair or the theory of multi-dimmensional infiniti. Yep, kinda like that, Im ALWAYS up for a conversation and mostly enjoy to talk to random folk, but i dont descriminate against you boring, serious people....... Happy Hitchhiking


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Waiting for the end of the universe? Me too

Researcher U2058580


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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