Journal Entries

Dirge and Vasquez...

two of my favorate comic artists, they are different to most comic books. i LOVE Lenore, does anyone else, if they do, reply. also reply if you have heard of Fsc? smiley - skull

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Latest reply: Feb 13, 2004

manga and anima!

i love my manga and anima, though i dont watch it as much as i would like. i love dragonball z, and obvisoulsy dragonball, but i still dont know everything about it. anyone else out there like manga/anima?


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Latest reply: Feb 24, 2003


there are some really good films out at the moment, my favorate at the moment being the new lord of the rings film, the two towers. If anyone has any interesting facts on anything to do with the lord of the rings trilogy, or any good websites, id be interested to know, thanx!!

smiley - elf

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Latest reply: Jan 9, 2003

Pig latin

Imagion if everyone spoke pig latin.
Tiay ouldway ebay uiteqay nterestingiay!

smiley - bat

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Latest reply: Oct 29, 2002


At this present moment in time, i am in lovely collage, with a friend of mine. i have 4 hours to waste untill my next lesson. o, the humanity!!!!!!!

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Latest reply: Oct 7, 2002

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*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale*

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