This is a Journal entry by *Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale*
manga and anima!
*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale* Started conversation Feb 24, 2003
i love my manga and anima, though i dont watch it as much as i would like. i love dragonball z, and obvisoulsy dragonball, but i still dont know everything about it. anyone else out there like manga/anima?
manga and anima!
antgirl Posted Mar 13, 2003
Have you seen any Miyazaki stuff? I guess it's more anime than manga (tho I don't really know enough to tell...)
My favourite is "My Neighbour Totoro".
Check the unofficial studio site out :
time for tea
manga and anima!
Ithilmir Posted Jun 26, 2003
Hey.What's up?You know,I've been in the anime thing since a friend of mine(an anime crazy friend of mine,actually) brought me some of his anime to see.I've not stopped wathcing since,and my friend has over 200 CDs with everything that's worth seeing and if he keeps up at that pace we're gona die and not yet see all the movies and series and this is a reaally big sentence and I thing I should stop now.
manga and anima!
CoLdShIvA Posted Aug 13, 2003
Hey there ... Saw your posts on the DBZ stuff on here ... What do you think about all the mistakes they have made in their entries? I mean, in one Frieza is the only big bad guy the Z warriors have fought! Huh!?!?!?
Anyway, ciao and have fun.
manga and anima!
*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale* Posted Feb 13, 2004
hello, thought id quickly just write something......ok im done...
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manga and anima!
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