This is the Message Centre for Vicki Virago - Proud Mother
A bad 6 months ended in a bad way
dasilva Posted Nov 13, 2003
Being doesn't mean I don't get angry - it just means I _notice_ the machine-gun I have in my hand...
A bad 6 months ended in a bad way
Kaz Posted Dec 31, 2003
Just read this, I am so sorry you went through this. So glad you got away and so glad you had a dog with you to bite him.
I read an exact copy of this happening to someone in South London way, we had a spate of rapes and attacks, and exactly the same thing happened, weird. I think you are north england, so I don't think it was you in the news.
Its obviously a technique these bastards use, so its one we can all be aware of. Hope things are better for you now.
A bad 6 months ended in a bad way
Vicki Virago - Proud Mother Posted Jan 2, 2004
Kaz - yes, I am in the North of England, so it wasn't me.....these b*stards really know how to make a woman feel afraid in their own home.
This happened litterally 50 yards from my front door and for a long while I didn't feel safe on my own. Fortunately, I don't feel that scared anymore (especially with Murray my being around).
Listen, my mum is now on line and if you ever want to speak to her, go to my space and look for lil ol me as one of my friends and leave her a message.....she has similar problems to you, and as she was posting on this site earlier on tonight, she had a panic attack....perhaps between you, you could become friends and help each other.
I am so glad you came back on line!
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A bad 6 months ended in a bad way
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