Hi, just started here in h2g2, I'm more often found lurking about in the mc-h pages.

I'll probably put something a little more worthwhile here when I've found out how to use the smileys and other graphics.

A hammer breaking glass Thanks to Batty, I've now got the hang of Smileys smiley - ta .

smiley - cool

Prayer for the Stressed

Grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot do
The courage to change the things I cannot accept
And the wisdom to hide the bodies
Of those I had to kill today
Because they got on my nerves

Help me to be careful of the toes I step on today
As they may be connected to the feet
I have to kiss tomorrow

Help me to give 100% at work
12% on Monday
23% on Tuesday
40% on Wednesday
20% on Thursday and
5% on Friday

And finally
Help me to remember when I am having a bad day
And it seems that everyone is winding me up
It takes 42 muscles to frown
28 muscles to smile
But only 4 muscles to extend my arm to smack someone in the mouth

-Anonymous Email.

Smileys :-)


Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
[no subject] Oct 21, 2002 No Replies
MC - H Oct 21, 2002 No Replies
Osiyo Grant Maintained... Oct 3, 2002 Oct 3, 2002


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Grant Maintained

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