This is the Message Centre for Scarlet Woman

MC - H

Post 1

Grant Maintained

Hi - I hope you're CG in disguise, otherwise this message will make no sense to you.

Is Mornington Crescent down? If not, then its thrown me out for no good reason. I keep getting these poxy errors. Are you having the same trouble? bye for now, GM

MC - H

Post 2

Groove the Hoob

I have not ventured over here for fear of how complicated it all is. The MCH MB is soooo much more simple. I feel lost out here already. Anyway, nice to see a familiar face (if you see what I mean). Have a good day.


MC - H

Post 3

Scarlet Woman

Grant! my Main (tained) Man!

Yes 'tis I, the Chelsea nonsense, Yes, it's been down all day but back now

Who is AP? Am I being my normal stupid self - AP reveal yourself and save my few remaining brain cells!

smiley - fairy

Sarah, the Scarlet Chelsea-ness

MC - H

Post 4

Scarlet Woman

I have it! - by George - I think I do!

Is it the one who consorts with Miss L. Lou?

Is she in the groove too?

Oh dear, I can't think of another oooh!

see you back on MC-H!

the Scarlet one

MC - H

Post 5

Scarlet Woman

I have it! - by George - I think I do!

Is it the one who consorts with Miss L. Lou?

Is she in the groove too?

Oh dear, I can't think of another oooh!

see you back on MC-H!

the Scarlet one

smiley - fairy

MC - H

Post 6

Scarlet Woman

uummm.... you have me twice - because I forgot my little fairy - lucky you!

smiley - fairy

MC - H

Post 7

Grant Maintained

Aha! so it's Monday morning, and everything is up n running. Time to look at the mch board

smiley - boing

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