This is the Message Centre for Keseral - lost...
Alsieboo, Robert Rankin fan member, A2120617 Started conversation May 20, 2005
I didn't mean to run off and leave you the other day lol, I just wanted to get back on the bus lol and I didn't know if Jason would let me on!
So you're free now! Bet that feels good, even though you've got nasty exmas and have to that silly thing called 'revising' but hey!
Keseral - lost... Posted May 20, 2005
ohh, thats ok, I rekoned on something like that!
yea... but on the brighter side, I did go to alton towers today!
Keseral - lost... Posted May 25, 2005
its good. you need to get there early though, we qued for an hour and a half for oblivion!
we went on (and in this order)
Oblivion (4/5)
Air (5/5)
Nemesis (5/5)
Ripsaw (2/5)
Submission (1/5)
Enterprise (3/5)
Alsieboo, Robert Rankin fan member, A2120617 Posted May 25, 2005
an hour and a half?! Good god, I wouldn't have stayed! I got annoyed when I had to wait more than 10 min to get on the big one, or whatever it was called at Brighton! Jason went there today (Wednesday), he drove a load of hairdressers down lol (he be my bus driver). Brighton is wicked, right, summer holidays, sunny day, we got there mid morning, stayed for ages, never had to queue for too long, wristband prices are reasonable and the whole place is great, I suggest everyone go there!
Keseral - lost... Posted May 25, 2005
lol, hairdressers!
yeah, we had fast-track when we went to thorpe park but being a school trip, obviously they couldnt pay for them for the whole year!
have you seen the announcement thing here about the exhibition? I'm going to that!
Alsieboo, Robert Rankin fan member, A2120617 Posted May 26, 2005
No I haven't, I'll go take a looksee!
Keseral - lost... Posted Jun 3, 2005
you'll ba saying "jinkies" next!
yes, looks good!
I'm going on a wild camp this weekend, just before my full week of exams (at least one each day ) ... I know... clever!
oh yes, and are you watching dr. who????
Alsieboo, Robert Rankin fan member, A2120617 Posted Jun 4, 2005
Lol, I was thinking that too, I don't know why I came out with it!
At least you don't have more than one exam in a day, that would be hellish! What's your first one? Mines math non-calculator tuesday afternoon, I canne wait. Have you done your revision lol?
Of course I am! It is so fabby, loved the first gas mask one, the second part let it down a bit I thought. Liked todays, liked them all really. Pity they're both leaving.
Keseral - lost... Posted Jun 8, 2005
because Its a... good* word?
unfortunatly It is hellish. Notice the "at least" tommorow I have 2 history ones.
and today I had english p.1 in t'morning then D&T int tarfternoon.
BAD WOLF (go onto the "disclaimer" page and highlight the whole lot...) (password: badwolf) about that list o' links but its sooooo .... odd!
(I think* that they are all spoof bbc ones)
Alsieboo, Robert Rankin fan member, A2120617 Posted Jun 17, 2005
I had my last exam on wednesday, totally messed it up!
Guess who I bumped into the other day? Miss Logan! Twas very strange, we stopped in the hallway and had a little chat. Freaky!
Keseral - lost... Posted Jun 18, 2005
very freaky! whereabouts? If she sees me now, she attacks me about how my english exams went.
tis very scary.
Its hot! I'm hot! TOO SUNNY!
ok, I know... In summer its too hot and in winter its too cold, but thats just how it is...
Alsieboo, Robert Rankin fan member, A2120617 Posted Jun 19, 2005
At college, she was just goin up the s tairs to beauty and I was going into one of our rooms. I think I cursed myself because a couple of days before I saw someone who looked like her and then I started thinking about her.
Gah, I know what you mean, tis getting unbearable, nasty weather. Can't get a proper tan though lol, can't be bothered to stay out in the sun doing nothing, but I've got no reason to be out in not much, so meh.
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: Alsieboo, Robert Rankin fan member, A2120617 (May 20, 2005)
- 2: Keseral - lost... (May 20, 2005)
- 3: Alsieboo, Robert Rankin fan member, A2120617 (May 23, 2005)
- 4: Keseral - lost... (May 25, 2005)
- 5: Alsieboo, Robert Rankin fan member, A2120617 (May 25, 2005)
- 6: Keseral - lost... (May 25, 2005)
- 7: Alsieboo, Robert Rankin fan member, A2120617 (May 26, 2005)
- 8: Keseral - lost... (May 29, 2005)
- 9: Alsieboo, Robert Rankin fan member, A2120617 (May 30, 2005)
- 10: Keseral - lost... (May 30, 2005)
- 11: Alsieboo, Robert Rankin fan member, A2120617 (Jun 3, 2005)
- 12: Keseral - lost... (Jun 3, 2005)
- 13: Alsieboo, Robert Rankin fan member, A2120617 (Jun 4, 2005)
- 14: Keseral - lost... (Jun 8, 2005)
- 15: Keseral - lost... (Jun 16, 2005)
- 16: Alsieboo, Robert Rankin fan member, A2120617 (Jun 17, 2005)
- 17: Keseral - lost... (Jun 18, 2005)
- 18: Alsieboo, Robert Rankin fan member, A2120617 (Jun 19, 2005)
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