This is the Message Centre for Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted


Post 21

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

"Can you REALLY wash them under the tap???"

Absolutely and highly recommended! This one has finally dried out enough to not creat a malfunction on the PC when plugged in smiley - winkeye
I did indeed wash it under the tap with a pile of dishes in the sink smiley - laugh

New one hasn't arrived yet (why does it always take at least 1 extra day for the post to get to Edinburgh? smiley - sigh)

This keyboard was my first and suffered minor wine damage but was still useable in practical terms (number keys don't work but number pad does etc), so got 2 more from a generous friend in IT smiley - winkeye

Guess what happened to them! Although I did attempt to wash them I don't think I was thorough enough or quick enough so only one was useable.

Which... yep you guessed it got wine damaged smiley - doh

So I rotated the keyboards changing to the least affected one each time!
So while this one dried out after getting smiley - drunk the other night, I had only the use of the very crippled keyboard - the rather annoying posts you saw - but at least I could log in to places etc

Plugged this in last night and got major failure on pC so thought it was really smiley - bleeped but today it is a happy-ish keyboard smiley - biggrin

And so the story of they keyboards smiley - puff

The moral of the story? Learn to drink wine with left hand!!


Post 22

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

smiley - wow she can type normaly smiley - tongueout


Post 23

Mister Matty

The moral of the story? Learn to drink wine with left hand!!"

Or - sort out a proper computer desk. Or stop drinking wine at the PC. smiley - tongueout


Post 24

Researcher 1463359

Or, drink wine through straw. You get drunker quicker that way. Not that i'd know being only 15 and all...


Post 25


Urgent gift for Mort!

1 x economy pack straws.
Ditto bibs, tissues, stress balls.

Oh yeah! And a crate full of wine!


Post 26

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

I drank a whole bottle tonight and never spilled a drop!!

Now if I can just manage to drink this tea, with Spiggy cat purring in my right ear, Spooky cat sat on my knee, the keyboard balanced on the end of the sofa (along with Spiggy cat) take my tablets and not burn the flat down with my ciggy then all will be fine smiley - winkeye

Zagreb - nothing wrong with my PC workstation - the problem arises because I insist in sitting on the sofa, craning my neck to look at the monitor and resting the keyboard on the arm of the sofa - and using the keyboard shelf for drinks and the ashtray, as well you know! smiley - whistlesmiley - winkeye

Although I have moved it slightly so it is a little more user friendly!

I like to surf in comfort, what's wrong with that?! - apart from the collateral damage smiley - erm - talking of which, hopefully new keyboard should arrive tomorrow!!

smiley - whistle


Post 27

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Probably best not to mention the time the cat was sick on the keyboard! smiley - run


Post 28

Ivan the Terribly Average

Was it choking on the mouse? smiley - huh


Post 29

Researcher 1463359

Ivan that's evil! I absolutely do not advocate cruelty to animals.

Uh, guys? Do we advocate cruelty to animals on here?


Post 30

Ivan the Terribly Average

I wasn't advocating anything of the sort. smiley - cross


Post 31

Researcher 1463359

Good good. Cruelty to animals is wrong. Cruelty to teachers is merely what they deserve. Hehehe.


Post 32

Researcher 1463359

Good good. And please don't be cross with me, Ivan. You know I love you really.smiley - loveblush
Cruelty to animals is wrong. Cruelty to teachers is merely what thy deserve.


Post 33

Researcher 1463359

Sorry about the double post. Computer weirded out on me.


Post 34

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

He had eaten some baked beans with melted cheese - that I had left on a plate which I then put on the floor (which I hate, so why I did this time I shall never know)

So not only was it cat sick but baked beans and cheese cat sick smiley - yuk

That was a particularly vile job and involved use of finger nails to dig out the bits. Keyboard survived though - it was this one smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

'My Top Ten Ways to Ruin Keyboards' smiley - laugh


Post 35

I'm not really here

smiley - ill I think I'm going to stop reading your journals if you're going to be this graphic. smiley - yuk


Post 36

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

nabd Mina bucket and pair of smiley - yuk filtering glasses smiley - winkeye


Post 37

Ivan the Terribly Average

*sprinkles disinfectant liberally about the thread*


Post 38

Researcher 1463359

*tries not to look too disgusted as I am not meant to be here*


Post 39

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

smiley - wah too many threads with "arrgg" and "sigh" in the subject. I do not know wich one is I am clicking on.

request for orginal journal subject!

thank you!


Post 40


I know what you mean mate! smiley - rofl

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