This is the Message Centre for kri stickle mass


Post 61

kri stickle mass

thanks too bushy,

i find this far more refreshing and satisfying than inyourendo.

//To me it is simple, one either supports the team or not regardless of results!// - dont smack me bum too hard !

i know viduka needs work on his attitude. i have only seen kelly make loads of mistakes. i was projecting to january when we know there will be changes.

cheers kris smiley - rose


Post 62


You are funny kris! You mistake my somewhat "in-your-face" style (which I endlessly apologise for ...) with believing you to be wrong when what I should really convey is that I only disagree and cannot lay claim to any moral or intellectual high-ground... Sorry!

January will be interesting. Bye bye Bowyer, Dacourt, hello Sick-Note! Aaarrrggghhhh!!!

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