This is the Message Centre for kri stickle mass


Post 41

kri stickle mass

hi beedubya smiley - hug

i thought you would have worked out by now that i am completely silly. i was picking up a mr le pedant there.
it is silly to try and work out what persuasion one is, keep your eyes open when having sex and it will be obvious bee darlin.

regarding your religious system, i heartily approve and so does god i imagine smiley - biggrin!! anyone who thinks they are not born perfect is an idiot.

i would be very interested to glean your "thoughts till three" musings. please lay it on me. i myself was chatting with a very kind person.

being bossy is a natural outflow with you bee dear. i like it cos i am usually being it in rl. a nice change.

what theme, words that begin with 'b' ??

just got back from dentist, so i'm giving you half a smile :-`

kris smiley - rose


Post 42



Not religious in any way shape or form... I see no convincing evidence for the existence of a "supreme being" however; infinite universe, infinite possibilities and all that?

I think I have already been candid enough about my "preferences" sex wise although I would say that it is fairly easy to imagine that men, especially, would conclude single sex relationships to be more preferable as men are so "frightened" these days! Frightened of failure mainly but it is quite difficult being a "normal" man these days primarily because of the paradoxical society we have built. I find this type of projection more difficult with women I am afraid ... See! Frightened again???

I was considering the subject of time last night. It seems to me that time and perception of reality are linked and this all fits neatly into relativity. This occurred to me after re-reading this thread. Anyway, bearing this in mind I would like to suggest an experiment. I will give you a scenario and then you respond in whatever manner you see fit ... I will conclude the scenario and see if I can surprise you? How does that sound?

Here is the scenario:

Our central character is a woman in her mid to late thirties although she may get away with late twenties on some nights. You know the type, very pretty but also with that experienced look shining from a wet face. Her hair is tied up in a messy quickly drawn bun. She is in a large free standing bath and has the appearance of slim figure although her body is mostly submerged with only the shoulders and tops of the arms visible.

The bathroom is quite old fashioned, sort of Victorian and there are black and white tiles evident about the place although you never actually look at them. The room is quiet apart from occasional drops of water and her movement as she, with almost an absent mind, strokes water over herself at odd times with a large soft sponge. She has the vaguest hint of tiny smile, or does she? There is a definite light behind her dark eyes as they stare into infinity …

What is she thinking? Who is she? Why is this significant at this point in time?




Post 43

kri stickle mass

you have this need to categorise, compartmentalise and analyse if you are using this to pacify your needs there, do me a favour and dont tell me your conclusions smiley - biggrin i will tear it down for ages if you do and that would be boring. smiley - angelsmiley - devil

ok, well the problem is you said in whatever way i see fit. then you presented me with a series of questions that required conforming to their order in order to answer them. which would you prefer sweet thang ???

i will be online for a while now so will pop back for answer smiley - tickle

kris smiley - rose

ps - oh bee, dont waste your time being afraid. you were born to be a male and thoroughly enjoy it. make the most of it and practise gettting the horn as often as possible - it'll keep you sane. smiley - tongueout


Post 44


Oh I'm not afraid of anything most of the time... Please don't worry on my account!

Yes, you're right I do analyse... All the time actually!! It helps! However, might I suggest you employ some of your good advice interpret with more freedom and even if I have been extremely helpful in providing template responses, why not simply ignore them and play as you will? ...Or not as the case may be?


Post 45

kri stickle mass

here is my first reply:

dear smiley - weirdsmiley - geeksmiley - scientistsmiley - antsmiley - sillysmiley - puffsmiley - laugh

smiley - grrsmiley - steamsmiley - yuksmiley - nahnahsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueout

smiley - steamsmiley - tongueout kris smiley - biggrin

handy tip - Hold smiley - mouse over emoticon to see word )


Post 46

kri stickle mass

ok back to the experiment, i only meant i dont want to play your game if you are going to come back at me with some primitvely concocted psychobabbly enshrined bullcrap. smiley - smiley

i will go and read it again and then let my thoughts just flow for yuh !

kris smiley - rose


Post 47


//primitvely concocted psychobabbly enshrined bullcrap. //

Ummm... Well ok then, I will try not to be any of those things!

You don't have to do anything at all. I was only interested in seeing some of your thoughts, fresh off the mind so to speak!!


Post 48

kri stickle mass

ok here i am bedubya deer - infinite universe and infinite posibilities is all i know. i use the word god in a clown like manner, it is a religious projection.

key phrases: time and perception of reality are linked &

this all fits in neatly with relativity (like i know what that is smiley - sillysmiley - tickle

what is she thinking, who is she, why is this significant at this point in time.???

i am really trying here bdubya but each time i read it there is a new cascade of impressions. however i think i will try the question format to harness things here.
cant answer the first 2 'why is this signficant at this point in time'.

i will take that last one. it is significant at this point in time from a personal point of view, however else it may be significant escapes me. there is poetic muse within the description, poetry creates dynamic movements of the mind and initiates clarifying creative processes which for us are couched in reflective meaning and symbol. a timelessness. smiley - tongueoutsmiley - tickle

i dont know if i made sense there. i enjoyed letting my mind linger on the moving bits :D do you want to know about those? or are you ready to surprise me - i am smiley - hug

kris smiley - rose


Post 49

kri stickle mass

hey bushy -( i have decided to go back to using your name and stop pretending that i think it is a hry twt) smiley - laugh

look upon me as a fellow juvie, in fact i may be more juvie than you even. smiley - biggrin i am always only playing bushy. you dont need to worry about me getting anything wrong here. give as good as you get with me and then some more, i will love it. smiley - tongueout

kris smiley - rosesmiley - cuddle


Post 50


Oh yes... Just pour it all out! No worries there, I am quite happy to read whatever you write.

Ok then, this is what I thought:

The woman is thinking about us!

She has read this thread and is just thinking about what we've said and how we have said it. The woman is extending her ideas and interpretations of things we have typed. She is confident in her anonymity, or was until she reads this bit. She now knows (or will know?) that we are both "aware" of her reading this. Of course it could just as easily be a man or indeed someone we "know". The strange thing is she hasn't actually read this yet but the scenario I have described may happen almost exactly as I wrote it.

Is this what one may describe as a prophecy or is it just a very simple little thought experiment?

Many thanks for your kind comments re. the poetic part but I can assure you this was a very "functional" piece of prose. I cannot write in a poetic style to save my life unfortunately... smiley - sadface

Hmmm... It's looking suspiciously like I may have to do some work! Back in while!


Post 51


Oh, I quite liked Beedubya ... Ne'er mind!

I do not think this is a case of right or wrong? It's a only little lateral thought for the day, hopefully a perspective or idea that had not occurred in quite the same way as it did to me!

This isn't a test!! Chill kris... smiley - winkeye


Post 52

kri stickle mass

i will call you whatever you like ok beedubya - the thing is i have spent most of my life in the company of boys and they are tricky little dickens that can grow into great big tricky dickens. i just didnt want to take part in a psychology experiment.smiley - tickle

regarding what you have said re experiment. scuse i for being pedantic here beedubya smiley - biggrin she is in the bath so must have already read our script up to and including this part so she knows we know she has been reading this even though we dont know if she really exists like that or not or maybe someone will want to find such a bathroom so they can know and then get on here and tell us -|:-p

my experience of who she might be and what she might be thinking were far more dreamy in their pedantry smiley - tickle.

kris smiley - rose


Post 53


Psychology experiment! Life is psychology experiment isn't it? Oh sorry, did you think I was going to be lewd? Not really me to be honest, lewdness that is... Isn't that a lovely word? Bit like my favourite sounding word ever ... chop!

Hmmm... Can I just say hello !! Welcome ... Say 'hi' and tell us what happened!

Am I really having a conversation with the future here?

So my dear, how are you today? Anything to report?


Post 54

kri stickle mass

yes bushy,

i am now a bit german and have made a first appearance re problems with internet assignations on the singles board. i notice hazel suggests we go to parenting as well. apparently there is a steamy dad on there who smiley - steam up easy.

dags are in. smiley - silly

krissmiley - rose


Post 55


Hurrah!! "steamy dads" sound my right up my street ... Lead on McDuff


Post 56

kri stickle mass

hi bushysmiley - blackcat ...(snigger)

i looked on all the sections, it was a slog - couldnt find anything, suggest not bother smiley - biggrin


Post 57

kri stickle mass

hi bushysmiley - blackcat ...

i have so enjoyed this afternoon. i have been in dreamland, first watching marat safin and next watching alan smith shine like the star i have always known he is.

i would dump kelly and harte and duberry in january, it is such a pity viduka cant be got at pyschologically and lastly, nick barmby is a pussy cos he plays like he wont risk getting hurt.

got to dash back soon


Post 58

kri stickle mass

hi bushypussy...... (i let the cat out, it'll be back for me next post to yuh!) ;-p

anyway, i wanted to tell you the funny part that happened in the match but there is no point if you watched it already. so do you want to know or can you guess what i am on about?

krissmiley - rose


Post 59

kri stickle mass

morning bushy

look, no snigger, no smiley - blackcat - i dont joke dirty in rl, so consequently no sense of boundaries, it feels like i went beyond one smiley - sadface

did you pick up that galiana means supreme (and is me of course ;-P)
wish i had put kirsch not hirsch then i would have been 'supreme cherry'. however, am getting fatigued by overt sexual innuendo. (page 57 in kama sutra) so p'raps not.

krissmiley - rose


Post 60


Good morning my dear,

No sorry, don't know any German at all so 'galiana' was lost on me I am afraid to say...

Not sure how I feel about pretending to be a German teenager of the opposite sex though! Brad seems to be enjoying it! Maybe it will be whole new and illuminating avenue of enquiry for me? Maybe not.

Fatigued by overt sexual innuendo? You? Are you joking? Can’t see you becoming fatigued by sexual innuendo somehow kris (or should I say micky?)

Young Mr Smith was excellent last night and I would strongly tip him to become one of the most valuable players in England over the next few years assuming he keeps his head... I mean keeps his head in the sense of maintaining a grip on reality rather than getting sent off all the time! He is not a dirty player.

Nobody wanted to get rid of Ian Harte when he crashed that goal in against Deportivo in the Champions League; nobody wanted to get rid of Ian Harte when he crossed for Kewell to let us beat the Mancs 1-0 this year! I could go on ... Harte is a good player but has a severe lack of confidence, not helped by moronic Leeds "fans" booing him!! Kelly is a decent utility bench warmer. Duberry was playing pretty well until court case, now out of favour but with injuries he too will be useful. To me it is simple, one either supports the team or not regardless of results!

I do not understand the Viduka comment! I think he's a great player... It was what I pay my money for, to be entertained by talented, gifted footballers and I think Mark Viduka is one of them! Would still have Jimmy back tomorrow though and can only dream of Tony Yeboah! I remember screaming myself hoarse at Spurs the year Yeboah threw his shirt off! Needless to say George Graham won't be making my Christmas Card list again and it was him that was the target of my venom. I can never ever forgive George Graham for he did to Tony Yeboah!! Ever seen 30,000 people silenced in gob smacked amazement? I have, straight after he scored a discernible gap and then ... pandemonium!! Yeboah hammering that goal against Liverpool and then he did it again against Wimbledon a few weeks later. The man is genial...

I'm excited about Bolton this Sunday now... Thanks kris!

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