This is the Message Centre for Calico Kitty DOG Lover (one of Owlatron's Thundercats)
Hi Calico Kitty!
Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Started conversation Nov 7, 2002
Just thought I'd stop by.... Have a mufflewhump!
I've organizing a meet for next summer, and I realized I should try to round up Californians, as being more likely to be able to come If you're interested, it's at A813061 Signing up now won't oblige you to come--I'm just trying to gauge interest, since it *is* so far off...
And I think I actually know where Fresno is! I'm in Sacramento, so not too far away... *waves*
Hi Calico Kitty!
Calico Kitty DOG Lover (one of Owlatron's Thundercats) Posted Nov 10, 2002
Thanks for the invite! I would love to come, but it being so far in the future I can't really say that I will definately be there. It would be great as it's in Gilroy, it's not too far away.
Anyways, I will keep checking the page for any updates.
Calico Kitty DOG Lover
P.S. *Waves back*
Hi Calico Kitty!
Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Posted Nov 12, 2002
Maybe I should make it clearer on the page that signing up, at least for now, is just to express interest... After all, there're people on the list that I know full well can't come!
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Hi Calico Kitty!
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