This is the Message Centre for William of Middenshire, Keeper of Mammals Beginning with "W" and Goatee Beards
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More mellow greetings from Gavin of Puckworth
Gavin of Puckworth - Padfoot, Scallywag and collector of amusingly shaped acorns Posted Dec 11, 2002
Aye'tis good to have made contact after all this time!
I cannot wait for you to regale us with tales of Caddus Thuckbote, Anchovy Warne and the mysterious Dr Codde ... of Dr Goate's Free School, Jethro Thuck the champion oaf and John Mudde - the poet they called 'that perfidious stinker of prose'.
May your strug be forever pointless.
Regards to your good lady wyfe and Thucklings.
p.s. Big Will and Letitia send their regards. Cedric the Madman sends you his stools.
More mellow greetings from Gavin of Puckworth
*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale* Posted Jan 9, 2003
hello there!
More mellow greetings from Gavin of Puckworth
William of Middenshire, Keeper of Mammals Beginning with "W" and Goatee Beards Posted Apr 4, 2003
William of Middenshire lives!
Are you there? Is anyone?
More mellow greetings from Gavin of Puckworth
*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale* Posted Apr 6, 2003
hey ho!
More mellow greetings from Gavin of Puckworth
William of Middenshire, Keeper of Mammals Beginning with "W" and Goatee Beards Posted Apr 7, 2003
Hello Ben! Hello Gavin! Hello World!
middenshire it!
*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale* Posted Apr 27, 2005
come on people, this hasnt been looked at in ages! read and enjoy people!
The Middenshire Chronicles
William of Middenshire, Keeper of Mammals Beginning with "W" and Goatee Beards Posted Jun 7, 2005
You may be wondering why "William of Middenshire." But you're probably not. But if you are, I thought I'd resurrect this thread for a new audience. Middenshire was a small English county attached to the Isle of Portland. Alas, it no longer exists, but its stories and legends have survived. Read on...if you want, of course.
The Middenshire Chronicles
Mrs Zen Posted Jun 9, 2005
*bounces up and down with excitement*
Hi William, good to know Middenshire is being resurrected - did it get run in the Post? It is perfect post material. Otherwise, I'd like to see some of it in the AWW which is a long slow route to the UnderGuide.
The Middenshire Chronicles
William of Middenshire, Keeper of Mammals Beginning with "W" and Goatee Beards Posted Jun 9, 2005
Hi Ben.
Nothing much happened to Middenshire after the initial excitement of a couple of very kind researchers (including your good self). It died rather like the county itself, albeit not in the same way. Muddy Middenshire was, alas, swallowed up by the English Channel.
The book itself remains unpublished. Perhaps I will resurrect it and its not terribly good parade of doubtful characters.
Perhaps I'll have a look at AWW (I assume it's some kind of workshop - pardon my ignorance).
Nice to talk to you again.
The Middenshire Chronicles
Mrs Zen Posted Jun 9, 2005
The Alternative Writing Workshop is here: <./>RF5</.> - it's nowhere near as busy as PR, but you will be read, and your pieces will be commented on.
Have you been away? What is away like?
It's good to have you back, anyway.
The Middenshire Chronicles
William of Middenshire, Keeper of Mammals Beginning with "W" and Goatee Beards Posted Jun 13, 2005
What is being away like? A bit like being here, only more distant and you need binoculars.
I shall gather my thoughts and manuscripts and seriously consider submitting some bits and pieces.
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More mellow greetings from Gavin of Puckworth
- 21: Gavin of Puckworth - Padfoot, Scallywag and collector of amusingly shaped acorns (Dec 11, 2002)
- 22: *Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale* (Jan 9, 2003)
- 23: William of Middenshire, Keeper of Mammals Beginning with "W" and Goatee Beards (Apr 4, 2003)
- 24: a girl called Ben (Apr 4, 2003)
- 25: *Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale* (Apr 6, 2003)
- 26: William of Middenshire, Keeper of Mammals Beginning with "W" and Goatee Beards (Apr 7, 2003)
- 27: *Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale* (Apr 27, 2005)
- 28: William of Middenshire, Keeper of Mammals Beginning with "W" and Goatee Beards (Jun 7, 2005)
- 29: Mrs Zen (Jun 9, 2005)
- 30: William of Middenshire, Keeper of Mammals Beginning with "W" and Goatee Beards (Jun 9, 2005)
- 31: Mrs Zen (Jun 9, 2005)
- 32: William of Middenshire, Keeper of Mammals Beginning with "W" and Goatee Beards (Jun 13, 2005)
- 33: Mrs Zen (Jun 13, 2005)
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