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Where the heck did I get these nachos?

For my own reference:
smiley - towelNerd42

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Latest reply: Sep 21, 2005

another crappy Thursday

i stare at the white space

the white space of a blank text box

on a site

called h2g2

and I wonder




Where am I going with this?


calm down calm down calm down.

smiley - dontpanic

OK, now that I have consumed a few moments of your bleak and meanlingless day with a short discription of how bleak and meaningless my day has been, I'll just shut up now.


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Latest reply: Sep 8, 2005

The Real Story of the Universe

I spend alot of time arguing things nowadays on with somebody who calls himself "HomoUniversalis." It's basically a shouting match, in which we both refuse to let the other have the last post. Mostly philosophy topics started by me, like "What is Truth?" and the one I'm writing this entry about, "Does God Exist?"

We were talking about what my religious beliefs were, and I think I wrote a pretty good response today, and I'd like to share this, not to show my response is a really good debating tactic or anything, (because it wasn't a debating issue exactly) but because I wrote a little story.

Actually, I took his whole example story and wrote a whole religious parable/allegory around it. It's kind of about the Good Samaritan. Here was the original post, and my response:

Originally Posted by HomoUniversalis

Is it good to take responsibility for something that falls not within your own realm of responsibility? Christ's crucifixion does seem to indicate that, as he takes up the sins of those whose sins do not belong to him. The allegory seems to represent the feeling of "Don't deny your own responsibility, in fact, feel responsible for as much as possible."
Imagine a bum is lying on the ground in his own vomit. Is it your responsibility to aid him? Not really, however, if you make it your responsibility to aid him, surely that is a good, perhaps even a divine act.
If this is a good deed, if this is a trait of goodness, a virtue, than God, by denying responsibility on the actions of mankind is not completely good. He is at least partly void of good, and the worst some part evil.

Now hold on a second here. You've got your theology completely mixed up.

Suppose the bum, weak as he is, got out a gun that the other person knows is not loaded, but the bum thinks it is, and tries, pathetically, to threaten to shoot the other person with it if he does not leave him alone. Suppose he tries everything he possibly can (up to and including violence) to get the other person to go away.

The bum in this analogy being representative of humanity and the good samaritan being representitave of God. God says to the bum, "Look, I'd love to help you. I really would, because I'm God and it's my very nature to do good. However, if you refuse my help, it's also outside my nature to force you to obey me so I can get you to shelter. So you're going to have to sit there and make up your own little mind whether to accept my help or reject it."

(funny, my example God is starting to sound like the Oracle from one of the Matrix movies... probably the reverse is actually true)

The bum then says, "screw you, God!" and throws a knife at him. God decides not to force himself on the bum and backs off. The bum then proceeds to freeze on the sidewalk. God finds this very saddening

The night then proceeds to get colder and colder until God is sure the bum is going to freeze to death. Satan then comes over to the window and says, "Oh, come on. You don't have to sit there crying because the bum won't come in! I'll get him for you! I'll force him to obey and come in out of the cold!"

God says, "No. Staying out there in the cold is the bum's decision. If I forced the bum to obey, then what kind of God would I be?"

Christ, God's Son, says, "Father, I'll go out and wait patiently until the bum decides to come in, and then I'll help him."

God says, "I can see the future and know that if you do that, you will freeze to death. It's so cold out there that you will be in extreme pain and it will take three days to thaw you out. Will you still go?"

Christ says, "Yes. I want to help too."

Christ goes out in the cold. The wind is blowing loudly. Christ shouts, "Take my hand! I'll help you! You don't have to stay out here!"

The bum says, "I told you do-gooders to get lost! Now we'll teach you a lesson, right Satan?"

Satan is standing there with the gun. He loads it and points it at the Son of God.

The bum says, "Yeah, go get him, Satan! We'll show 'em!"

Satan fires.

Christ gets shot several times, but manages to get the gun away from satan and knock him out by hitting him on the head with the butt. At this point, the bum begins to realize how cold he really is. He moans, realizing that that could be his last sound, and reaches out his hand.

Christ, bleeding and barely able to stand, picks up the bum and somehow manages to carry him inside. Once the bum is inside, he finally collapses on the floor. God then tries his best to care for them both.

It's sad, but I honestly believe that's how the story really goes.

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smiley - towelNerd42

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Latest reply: Aug 29, 2005

some guy got arrested over a crime commited in a COMPUTER GAME!

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Latest reply: Aug 18, 2005

yo i'm back

tis true i'm afraid. (everybody groans) smiley - winkeye
smiley - towelNerd42

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Latest reply: Jul 31, 2005

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