Who Am I?

Well to start it off, I am Mic. I am a man and am very fond of that idea. As I grew up being a man, I am quite used to people saying go ask that man, or do you see that man with the blue shirt? (not that I always wear a blue shirt) I was turned on to h2g2 by someone I will call a friend, never mind I never met him. My hobbies include computers, diving, bowling, reading, Talking (yes it is considered a hobby by me) and of course visiting new and exciting places. As noted if you can see, I enjoy anything that does not exert an enormous amount of energy. Well on a heated argument I can exert a lot of energy, but otherwise I like to take life slowly so that When I grow old I can say, that really took a long time getting here. Other than that I consider my existence on this planet an adventure and enjoy all kinds of new stimuli. H2g2 is now a hobby I will enjoy.


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Greetings Mic... Sep 25, 2002


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Researcher U203683


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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