This is the Message Centre for h2g2 Researcher Time Zones - >>ADD YOUR TIME!>>
cafram - in the states. Started conversation Nov 25, 2002
Great idea for a page!
It might be an idea to say "Canberra/Melbourne/Sydney", cos I don't think there're any active researchers from canbbera but there's a few from the other two!
Titania (gone for lunch) Posted Dec 16, 2002
Added you to AEST, since I use the standart time codes - but I know you have 'summer' time now! And added Canberra/Melbourne/Sydney to the time zone text...
cafram - in the states. Posted Jan 1, 2003
I you want more aussies to add on to the aest time box, go to A592049 - everyone in nsw/vic/act are on aest at the moment
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