This is the Message Centre for h2g2 Researcher Time Zones - >>ADD YOUR TIME!>>
funny time
xyroth Started conversation Nov 25, 2002
It is a bit hard for me to add my timezone.
althought technically I am in gmt, my online time is often coincident with los angeles, but is sufficiently variable that I can be online any time between 6pm gmt and 8am gmt, and any other time of day at the weekends.
as I say in the subject, definately a funny timezone (especially when you add in variable day lengths up to 72 hours in a day, but usually at least 4 days in a week).
so how does this fit into your pidgeon holes?
funny time
Titania (gone for lunch) Posted Nov 25, 2002
Hmmmmm... there is already one researcher that has informed me that she is not online during 'normal' hours - she got her own time zone code - AMT for AnonyMouse Time!
Maybe you'd like a personal time zone too?
funny time
xyroth Posted Nov 29, 2002
sounds like a good idea.
what do you make of my unusual hours?
funny time
xyroth Posted Dec 17, 2002
well, I am involved with an organisation called pescu (see ) who use a concept called pescu time for some purposes.
a day starts when you get up, and ends when you go to sleep, so you do end up with some people having different amounts of days in the week.
other than that, I have no idea what to call it.
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funny time
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