This is the Message Centre for Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!


Post 821


I wondered if Charlie was 'helping' you with the buttons again smiley - winkeye


Post 822

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

he could very well have been I use pliny on the laptop and those smilie buttons are rather accessible


Post 823


How's you today?

I was wondering if you had given any more thought to doing a course on the site that TC shared. I rather spur of the moment signed up for one, no second thoughts yet, looking forward it

Slightly random comment of the day, I got some air freshner and it smells to me like fish smiley - erm


Post 824

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

I am looking after insane dog
swapped mother in law for baby for a few hours
I am also doing her laundry (washer broke)
dog is very hyper... very

smells like fish... the smell only surpassed in grossness by vomit and poop... yay


Post 825


oh smiley - doctor Anthea
I'm not entirely sure that you got a great deal there
it is at least, different smiley - erm
they say a change is a good as a rest,hmmm

*braces herself* for smiley - tomato and flying smiley - flan


Post 826

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - laugh
the dog is a bit crazy it hasn't sat still at all yet
smiley - headhurts


Post 827


I expect it is having a whale of a time and when it gets home it will have a lovely long nap and will sleep through the night...


Post 828

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - rofl Oh I only wish the boys would do the same


Post 829


not only that your laundry would be done!


Post 830

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

three loads so far and still going smiley - puff


Post 831


I hope you are chalking up future ironing favours or something in return smiley - winkeye


Post 832

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

if dog tries to eat any more cables I might not be able to....
some animals are a lot of trouble


Post 833


you are not ironing too, tell me you are not

still should the dog accidently chew the iron cable, while it is off, it would be terribly unfortunate smiley - evilgrin


Post 834

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

oh dont worry the iron is safe in the cupboard with its dust fully intact


Post 835


smiley - snork well I am glad to hear that, gahtering dust in the cupboard that is where an iron should be (at least you know where to find it, whereas I had to look!)

although this might be the occasion to whip it out, to save your other cables

practise a 'woebegone tragic look* alas poor iron

'oh look I was going to do some ironing but crazy smiley - dog chewed the cable thank bob it wasn't it on'

smiley - winkeyesmiley - angelsmiley - evilgrin


Post 836

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - snork


Post 837


Sunny morning here but smiley - brr
I enjoyed a smiley - coffee on the patio this morning, ok I was huddled in my coat and the coffee was keeping my hands warm but sun out, birds all chirpy in the trees

What are your plans for this week?

smiley - choc


Post 838

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

well the cousins have come from down south (reading) so I suspect they shall do something...
smiley - erm
it's monsters actual birthday on thursday he's five
so I shall be baking and icing a cake on Wednesday
spent the weekend sleeping mostly. so I'm feeling nice and refreshed for a week of running about now, smiley - biggrin


Post 839


Sounds like good weekend's worth of preparation smiley - ok

Been a big year for smiley - monster, with school and becoming a big brother.
Has he put in a request for a type of cake?


Post 840

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - choc cake with a pokemon on it smiley - erm
better get icing

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