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Post 1

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

...the paaarrrttttaaayyy! smiley - divasmiley - bubbly *hic* at F103650?thread=1310331

lil xx
smiley - magic

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Post 2


Cheers Lil, I have. smiley - biggrin

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Post 3

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I know.. I see you are enjoying it!

Great way to meet more friends.. smiley - hug

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Post 4


Absolutely - thanks for the invite! smiley - hug

You know, it's weird that I've been here this long yet don't really have many "friends" on h2g2. Perhaps it's because I only made a conscious decision a few months ago to get involved in more conversations.

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Post 5

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I have been very lucky with the friends I have met, plus my daughter Vicki Virago is in here, so my first contacts where her friends.. smiley - biggrin

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Post 6

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

pppsssssssssst... you are on my friends list now too.. smiley - winkeyesmiley - hug

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Post 7


Very kind, Lil, I will reciprocate the gesture! smiley - smileysmiley - hugs back!

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Post 8

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I think you are having fun in the party too!! smiley - hug

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Post 9


How could I not? smiley - winkeye

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Post 10

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Terri needed cheering up.. and it is Prof. Animals 1st hootoo burpday tomorrow, so we will continue it over the weekend too!

smiley - magic

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Post 11


Prof Animals - I've not come across this researcher (don't know whether to say he or she! smiley - winkeye)

Why does Terri need cheering up? I understand if it's personal and you'd rather not say.

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Post 12

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

look into my friends listing.. you will see him there..while I go and get the other link for you to read.. smiley - hug..Prof Animal Chaos..

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Post 13

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

This is the start of things upsetting Terri.. F103650?thread=673994&skip=3040&show=20

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Post 14


I see ... I read that page when you put the link on WJH earlier, but I didn't read the next page. I think Terri was entirely in the right.

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Post 15


Prof. Animal thingy has got to have by far the longest PS I've ever seen - it's quite an achievement.

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Post 16

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*giggles*.. He is lovely.. It was such a compliment he paid me in putting me in his PS.. smiley - blush

You won't believe the trouble he had recently, he lost a lot of his Intro Page.. Tsmiley - titT and GodBen and I think someone else, spent ages helping him get it back..

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Post 17


I've never heard of that happening before. Do they know what caused it?

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Post 18

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Tsmiley - titT said he might have had too many blobs.. and mixed up GuideML with html.. and all sorts of tech things I don't understand.. *grins*

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Post 19



I'm not a techie either... smiley - cdouble

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Post 20

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Hey!! You are looking at the one who pinched all of GodBen's election badges, so she could learn how they worked.. and changed them!!!.. smiley - laugh

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